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The Serpent and the Wings of Night by Carissa Broadbent


In a world where vampires rule and humans are prey, what chance does a mortal girl have at survival, let alone power? Carissa Broadbent’s captivating new fantasy romance, The Serpent and the Wings of Night, explores this question through the eyes of Oraya – a human raised by vampires who dares to reach for more.

With lush world-building, complex characters, and simmering romantic tension, this novel sinks its fangs in from the very first page and doesn’t let go. Fans of Sarah J. Maas and Jennifer L. Armentrout will devour this darkly seductive tale of a fierce heroine caught between two worlds.

A Human Among Monsters

From the moment we meet Oraya, it’s clear she’s no ordinary mortal. Adopted and raised by Vincent, the ruthless Nightborn vampire king, she’s carved out a precarious place for herself in a realm designed to destroy her. But Oraya wants more than mere survival – she yearns for true belonging and power.

Her chance comes in the form of the Kejari, a brutal tournament held by the vampire goddess of death. If Oraya can somehow emerge victorious, she’ll win a boon from the goddess herself. Her goal? To become Vincent’s Coriatae—his heart-bound, transformed into a vampire of unparalleled strength. Only then can she truly belong in this world of immortal predators.

A Tournament of Blood and Shadows

The bulk of the novel follows Oraya’s journey through the harrowing trials of the Kejari. Broadbent excels at crafting visceral, heart-pounding action sequences as Oraya battles both monstrous challenges and her fellow contestants. The tournament grounds shift and change with each trial, keeping both Oraya and readers on their toes.

But it’s not just external threats Oraya faces. As she progresses through the Kejari, she’s forced to confront uncomfortable truths about herself, her adopted father, and the brutal vampire society she longs to join. The author deftly balances pulse-pounding action with introspective moments that deepen Oraya’s character.

An Alliance of Necessity

Of course, no fantasy romance would be complete without a brooding love interest. Enter Raihn – a mysterious Rishan vampire with a chip on his shoulder and secrets of his own. Forced into an uneasy alliance, Oraya and Raihn’s relationship evolves from wary distrust to grudging respect to simmering attraction.

Their dynamic crackles with tension, both romantic and otherwise. Neither fully trusts the other, yet they’re drawn together by a spark of understanding. Both are outsiders in their own way, struggling to find their place. Their banter is sharp and often amusing, providing welcome moments of levity amidst the novel’s darker themes.

A World Painted in Shades of Gray

One of the novel’s greatest strengths is its nuanced exploration of morality in a world where humans are treated as livestock. Oraya’s perspective is fascinatingly complex – she was raised by vampires and longs to become one, yet can’t fully silence her human empathy.

We see her struggle with her own nature as she fights to survive in a cutthroat world. Is becoming a predator the only way to avoid being prey? Can she retain her humanity while gaining vampire strength? These questions haunt Oraya throughout her journey.

Shades of the Past

Broadbent gradually reveals Oraya’s backstory through seamlessly integrated flashbacks. We see pivotal moments that shaped her – her first kill, her first heartbreak, the lessons Vincent taught her. These glimpses into her past add depth to her character and help explain her often conflicted motivations.

Particularly poignant are Oraya’s hazy memories of her birth family and her human friend Ilana. These connections to her mortal roots tug at her even as she strives to leave her humanity behind. The author excels at depicting Oraya’s inner turmoil as she’s caught between two worlds.

A Tangled Web of Politics

While the Kejari forms the core of the plot, Broadbent weaves in threads of political intrigue that hint at a larger conflict brewing. Tensions simmer between the ruling Hiaj vampires and the conquered Rishan, with humans caught in the crossfire.

Vincent’s iron grip on power seems to be slipping, and whispers of rebellion echo in the background. These elements add richness to the world-building and set the stage for future installments in the series.

Twists and Revelations

The author throws in several plot twists that upend Oraya’s understanding of her world. Some readers may guess a few reveals ahead of time, but others pack a genuine emotional punch. Without spoiling anything, the final chapters contain game-changing revelations that leave Oraya – and readers – reeling.

Sinking Our Teeth Into the Writing

Broadbent’s prose strikes a nice balance between lush description and propulsive action. Her world comes alive through vivid sensory details, from the opulent vampire court to the gritty human slums. Fight scenes are tightly choreographed and easy to follow.

The author has a knack for evocative metaphors that suit the vampire setting: “His words hit me like a stake to the heart.” “The truth tore through me like fangs through flesh.” These touches add flavor without becoming purple prose.

Pacing and Structure

The novel’s pacing is generally strong, with a good mix of action, character development, and world-building. The tournament structure provides a solid framework, with each trial upping the stakes. Some readers may find the middle section drags slightly, but the final third is a breathless rush to the finish.

Interludes from Oraya’s past are woven throughout, offering welcome changes of pace. These flashbacks are well-placed to maximize emotional impact and shed light on current events.

Character Depth and Growth

Oraya shines as a compelling protagonist. She’s prickly and guarded, yet vulnerability peeks through her tough exterior. Her journey of self-discovery feels authentic, with genuine struggle and backsliding. By the end, she’s grown tremendously while still remaining true to her core self.

Raihn is more than just the typical brooding love interest. His own inner conflicts and hidden depths are gradually revealed, making him a worthy foil for Oraya. Their slow-burn romance is deliciously tension-filled without overwhelming the plot.

Supporting Players

Secondary characters are distinct and memorable, from the cheerful fire-wielder Mische to the ruthless Bloodborn prince Septimus. Even minor contestants in the Kejari feel fleshed-out. Vincent is particularly well-drawn as a complex father figure—terrifying yet caring in his own twisted way.

Sinking Our Teeth Into Themes

Beyond the gripping plot and steamy romance, The Serpent and the Wings of Night explores several weighty themes:

Nature vs. Nurture

Oraya constantly grapples with her human nature versus her vampire upbringing. Can she truly change who she is at her core? The novel offers no easy answers, instead inviting readers to ponder this age-old question.

Power and Its Cost

The vampires’ treatment of humans raises thorny ethical questions. Is power worth the price of one’s humanity? Oraya’s journey forces her to confront the ugly realities behind the strength she craves.

Found Family and Belonging

Despite her difficult relationship with Vincent, Oraya’s desire to belong is deeply relatable. Her connections with Raihn and Mische offer glimpses of genuine found family amidst the cutthroat vampire world.

Sink or Swim?

The Serpent and the Wings of Night is a strong start to a promising new fantasy romance series. With its morally gray characters, pulse-pounding action, and slow-burn romance, it offers plenty to sink your teeth into.

Some elements feel familiar from other dark fantasy romances, but Broadbent puts her own spin on common tropes. The unique tournament structure and political intrigue help this novel stand out in a crowded genre.

A few plot threads are left dangling for future books, which may frustrate some readers. However, the core emotional arcs reach satisfying conclusions while leaving room for growth.

Who Will Fall Under Its Spell?

Fans of Sarah J. Maas, Jennifer L. Armentrout, and other dark fantasy romance authors will find much to love here. Readers who enjoy morally complex characters and explorations of power dynamics will also find plenty to chew on.

Content warnings for violence, gore, and sexual content make this best suited for mature YA and adult readers. Those seeking a lighter vampire romance may want to look elsewhere.

The Final Bite

With its richly-drawn world, complex heroine, and swoon-worthy romance, The Serpent and the Wings of Night sinks its fangs in and doesn’t let go. Carissa Broadbent has crafted a darkly enthralling tale that will leave readers thirsting for more.

Oraya’s journey of self-discovery amidst pulse-pounding action and political intrigue makes for an addictive read. While it treads some familiar ground, strong character work and intriguing world-building help elevate this novel above standard genre fare.

The Serpent and the Wings of Night sets a strong foundation for the Crowns of Nyaxia series. With game-changing revelations in the final chapters, the stage is set for even higher stakes in future installments. This reviewer, for one, is eager to see where Broadbent takes Oraya’s story next in Six Scorched Roses.

So go ahead—let yourself fall under the spell of The Serpent and the Wings of Night. Just be warned—like the vampires that populate its pages, this darkly seductive tale might leave you craving more.


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