The Royal Society of Sculptors

First Plinth Public Art Award

First Plinth: Public Art Award 2021 is the art competition for sculptors. It is an opportunity to compete for public art commissions in the UK, but it is open for all other nations too. The winning sculptor gets fantastic £15,000 to produce a large-scale sculpture for the sculpture terrace at Dora House before moving to a second site to exhibit at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. And yes, this is another UK competition: it is a royal competition to exhibit on royal locations, and the international kind too. The award theme is Resolve.

 This biennial award is open to any artist working in three dimensions, but the winner is receiving mentoring from a team of experienced professionals engineers, consultants, and artists, in order for work to be installed in public spaces. All applications must be made using the online form. Proposals must also not be made of hazardous material. Applications are welcomed from artists of any age and nationality working in any style or media and have not yet won an open (or closed) competition for a commission to create a work for a public space in the UK.

Deadline is 15th of February 2021 UK time.

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