The Plain Air Salon

The PleinAir Salon Art Competition

The PleinAir Salon Art Competition is giving away cash prizes to promote artists. In the spirit of the French Salon created by the Academie des Beaux-Arts in Paris, an annual competition, with 11 monthly cycles, makes annual Salon Grand Prize competition. The competition rewards artists with $30,000 in cash prizes and gives the right exposure. The winning painting features the cover of PleinAir Magazine. All individuals entering must be at least 18 years of age and it is open to residents of any state in the world.

The deadline is the 28th of February and fees for the first image are $38, and additional images submitted are $16 each. The competition features plain air paintings and studio paintings. All types of paintings are eligible and should originate from a Plein Air Study or Plein air experience or Plein air sketches.

Sue and Simpson Gallagher Gallery, the owner, are the judge.

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