The Only Times to Use an Easy Password

The Only Times to Use an Easy Password

Easy-to-use passwords, while not typically considered a best cybersecurity strategy, may provide a security solution during certain circumstances:

-If a hacker is identified on a network and has not conducted a cyberattack or gained unauthorized access to company data, then the user changing the password with an -easy-to-use one may be a short-term solution for preventing the threat agent from any access. It would be a best cybersecurity practice for the user to change the password to a more complex one after informing cybersecurity staff and upper management with the details of what has taken place on the system.

-Easy-to-use passwords make it more convenient for security staff to maintain a convenient way of protecting assets through physical security like four-digit pins for opening locked doors or setting alarm systems.

-Easy-to-use passwords may be helpful during emergency situations in which cybersecurity staff may need to acquire information and access to networks as an emergency response security technique.

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