The Moment Between the Past and the Future – Nick Katkov

The Moment Between the Past and the Future – Nick Katkov

Nick Katkov is a Russian artist who specializes in design, digital art, drawing, installation, mixed media, multimedia, painting, photography and sculpture.

In his work The Moment Between the Past and the Future he uses digital art and mixed media to create an image with many layers for observers to view and gain an understanding of the social commentary he provides.

The art’s composition takes a different form depending on where the eye first meets the creation. Viewing it from left to right may present one ideal and viewing it diagonally may represent something else; all the perspectives ultimately lead to the same idea that the moment between the past and future is the present and it has many layers.

I prefer to observe the work from the bottom left corner onward and ending with the human image at the top right. The art is the reflection of the human mind, it is fascinating to see what elements the artist used to express what is present in the human mind. Looking at it from left to right, seems to appear that observers are seeing the art from past to future. The entire left side of the canvas is more sentimental; there’s a figurative heart and a life-sized one beating in the center of the canvas, including veins and arteries. The right side of the image is more futuristic, from top to bottom it almost appears like a force field and a space asset. The idea is that everyone is born with the human characteristic of humility; however, observers should be aware of the best ways of living their lives since ultimately those veins on the left side of the art will be connected to the future pieces on the right.

The artist’s motivation was to highlight the complexity of the human mind in its present state.

The art is significant because it can be appreciated from all angles, left to right or vice versa still producing the same outcome of social commentary.

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