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‘The Legend of Vox Machina’ Season 3 Puts the Party Through Serious Growing Pains


For as grandiose and epic as the adventures of The Legend of Vox Machina are, the heart of the series has always been the party. The merry band of misfits has grown together throughout their first two seasons, forging close bonds, feeling sparks of romance, and cracking jokes along the way in a manner that reflects the cohesion of the Critical Role team. Season 3, however, will pit the party against their greatest foe yet in Thordak the Cinder King and the remainder of the Chroma Conclave, leaving an uncertain future ahead of them that weighs heavily on everyone. Fear and pressure run high with the fate of everyone and everything on the line, and, according to Travis Willingham, Marisha Ray, and Liam O’Brien, it’s enough to form cracks between the lovable heroes.

In a wider conversation at Fantastic Fest about what to expect in Season 3, Collider’s Perri Nemiroff asked the trio about how the new episodes see their family dynamic evolve. If Season 1 was about bringing the group together and Season 2 was about managing their relationships after getting closer to one another, the latest run explores the fights that happen within families when troubling circumstances start affecting everyone. “I would say Season 3 is definitely about the stresses of a found family and if it really is healthy, the relationship and them navigating that,” Ray said. “Familiarity can breed contempt, and I think you see a little bit of that in this season, of questioning it.”

Yet, these family arguments are magnified tenfold given the weight of Exandria on their shoulders. The trailer outright says the future is frightening and that their world faces certain destruction. Beyond that, the group also faces their fears, with Keyleth specifically confronting the deep-seated terror of losing her friends in battle. Saving the day requires a descent into hell to battle demons and ultimately find the power within and beyond themselves to defeat Thordak. “And what happens when the family starts to fracture, as well?” Willingham asks. “The stressors are so, so significant.” Whether they’ll come together and succeed in the end or ultimately be undone depends on one question about familial strife which Ray poses, “Can you overcome it when it’s needed the most?”

‘The Legend of Vox Machina’ Season 3 Threatens to Tear the Party Apart

Vox Machina has grown into a powerful unit capable of great things together, whether it’s taking down the Briarwoods, slaying the seemingly unkillable Umbrasyl, or overcoming more personal obstacles intertwined with these journeys. The valley between them and Thordak, however, is wide, “And there are very strong growing pains” on the road to defeating him, O’Brien adds. The Critical Role team knows that everyone wants to see the lovable band of idiots ride off into the sunset as one big happy family, but all families fight eventually and things are about to get a little ugly for this found family, even if it’s necessary for a compelling story and character growth for them all. Whether they’ll come out on the other end of this conflict for the better remains to be seen.

Ray attests that it was a tad painful to watch the characters they roleplayed across 115 episodes bicker throughout Season 3. “The amount of times we’ve been watching back the series, and you’re like, ‘No, don’t fight!'” Yet, that’s also the goal of the heartfelt approach to Vox Machina‘s party members — to raise the stakes and have viewers invested when their adventures threaten to tear them apart. O’Brien attested that, regarding a perfectly clean, happy ending to the Chroma Conclave battle and Vox Machina’s travails as a whole, “We want you to want it, we just don’t want you to have it.

The Legend of Vox Machina Season 3 premieres on Prime Video on October 3. Stay tuned here at Collider for more as the release date nears.

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