The Legacy of Racial Injustice

You must understand!
You must understand!
You must understand!
That as the wife of a black man
That as a mother of a black man and woman
That as an aunt of black men
That as a cousin of black men
When I watch the news and an ARMED criminal, murderer, is escorted out of a store where he has just killed 10 people or an armed man goes into a spa and kills 8 people and is escorted out, maybe injured yet STILL ALIVE, and again although armed.
But black men are simply pulled over for a traffic violation whether real or because of racial profiling, or in the cases were simply running through a neighborhood, or even if doing wrong like writing a bad check you are MURDERED FOR BEING BLACK!!! AND YOU ARE UNARMED!!!
I just pray and cry and mourn for my loved ones and the lives that have been TAKEN!!!
Because the person doing the job decided that they will be the judge and jury AND executor. Because the person doing the job was either scared because that person didn’t look like him/her or because they hate the ethnicity of a person that doesn’t look like him/her so ALL fall under the same heading…Kill THEM.
I pray for my people daily. That God watches over you, keep you from hurt harm, and danger. That your lives are spared from the hands and the mindset of the evil that walks this earth.
Pray when you are pulled over or approached by those that don’t deserve the authority that they have been given. Ask the Lord to show up as well and that he keeps you.
Also, be ready to die. Not in the sense that death WILL definitely happen during that particular incident but whenever.
The bible says in Hebrews 9:27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:
Tomorrow is not promised to anyone and most have no idea the day, hour, or circumstance that will bring about our last moment. Are you ready?
Repentance of our sins and acknowledging Christ as your Lord and savior and serving Christ is the ONLY way you enter into heaven.
John 14:6 Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.
Repentance is a change of the mind which in turn leads to a change in behavior.
Ready yourself because tomorrow is not yours to claim no matter who you are or how you look.
As they say, the two guarantees in life are Taxes and DEATH.
And let me make this clear. This is not a ” Black lives matter ” post. This is an “all souls matter” post but it also is a post about injustice and how it is a reality in this day and age that when you look like me and the people I come from. More times than not your existence does not matter

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