“The King and the Pawn” – Animated Short Film

This is a great short film that is done well and the meaning of the story is just what we all need to do. We gotta see what is in front of us and stop chasing rainbows because that is a mess we really don’t know what is important in this society we are focused on the wrong stuff. And being focused on the wrong stuff can make you a little ill. We need to pay close attention to our surroundings we think we have all the time in the world and we don’t. God has all the answers and we are just trying to find them. This world is really a mess and we can not fix it by ourselves everybody needs to pitch in or it will stay the same. So here we are and life is good but we really need to see what is important and focus on that. We only have one time to make a good impression and God knows we need a lot of work.



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