The Gloves Are Off: Trump and Biden Duke it Out in the First of Three Debates

Trump and Biden debate in Ohio

Source: YouTube

The first of the three debates were nothing short of a bantering nightmare between President Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden. The two candidates were duking it out in Cleveland, Ohio on September 29 and clashed with each other that it was difficult to comprehend what they were saying because they were consistently involved in a shouting match. It was anything but presidential, like watching a high school debate with two grown men going at each other’s throats. Neither was the victor. This probably left voters still ‘undecided.’

The questions were about the civil unrest in this country, the handling of the coronavirus, the economy, and what their plans were going forward if Trump won a second term or if Trump lost what were Biden’s plans as president.

The president is trailing Biden in recent polls; predicting that Biden is the clear frontrunner. The next two debates with Biden and Trump will be held on October 15 and 22.

Here are a few key takeaways from the first debate. The tone was very negative. It’s apparent that the two old men have a mutual disrespect for each other. Biden lost his temper with Trump and called him, “a clown” and also told him to “shut up.” Trump called Biden “a liar” and said that Biden did nothing in his role as VP and he bragged about his accomplishments as president; while the moderator, Chris Wallace was playing the monkey in the middle trying to ‘keep the peace’ but barely succeeded. It’s plainly clear to see that the two men didn’t get along very well. Trump played the bully; continually interrupting and attacking the former Vice President while he struggled to keep up the pace with Trump. This was one of the worst debates I’ve ever seen! What are your thoughts on the debate if you watched it?

Here’s a video clip from NPR from the first debate on YouTube:

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