The Forgotten Places

An Art Call

The Loosen Art is seeking for the artists for Forgotten Places Art Call that is looking for photographs, video, digital visual design that will constitute an exhibition and full exploration excursus of abandoned and then again rediscovered places. The forgotten urban or other places are a reflection on environmental, historical/social aspects of society. For the artists those are the reflection of “individual memory”. The beauty of the abandoned and the intrigue of the decaying are imagined in many ways, that is of course, depending from the artists. Contemporary artists today are capturing scenes of abandonment, loss and decay via photography, video, sculpture etc… With artists creating haunting and beautiful images the chance to explore it opens immersive imaginative doors of perception. The allure of the abandoned explore in a way, the beauty of absence, decay and disrepair very well, with all ethereal, the most alluring mystery, that usually comes with deserted spaces and abandoned places. Often left to a powerful mind, beautiful monuments of time, along with their usefulness has run dry. An alluring space that begs to be re-claimed and re-imagined invites the viewer to contemplate the metaphorical implications of a place. For artists these reflective spaces often become the subject of fascination. Artistic exploration of humans who are temporary in living, with tiny, little streams that will become arid, for a just a little trace of presence. It is an illusion of time that plays with human thoughts via long lost desires who are yet to be found again. It is the essence of all that is and will be, a poignant art, with and an emotive effect on us.


The Forgotten Places exhibition, with photography presents new documentary approach that may as well intervenes in giving a testimony of humans and their forgotten and abandoned memory, through the direct recording of traces they have left behind. One of the most representative approaches in the photographic world is that of the phenomenon of Urbex – Urban Exploration – an activity of exploration of abandoned places. It is the document of history via traces and objects, which seem to be fixed and frozen in time. Forgotten Places is personal that pertain to each of our biographies. And for artists those are places that require a return to observe the images of memories with new approach, or “to rekindle memories of an experience” to understand.

The other focus of the exhibition is to shed light on the evocative charm of places where nature makes itself manifest by redeeming spaces, as offering opportunities for reflections on relationship of human with the environment, “starting from the need for a more organic relationship with it”.

Submissions are welcome at

Accepted media photography, video, digital visual design

Group Exhibition will be organized in Rome city, Italy. October 2023

It is free entry, all photographers, visual designers and video artists are invited to submit 1 up to 3 works to reflect upon the theme.

Contact regarding the submission at

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