The Fate of Stimulus Negotiations Still Hangs in the Balance

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi talks to ABC News about the deadline Tuesday

SourceYouTube/ABC News

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has given a Tuesday deadline to reach an agreement on stimulus but it remains doubtful that the Republican-controlled Senate will accept any deal brought to the table. And what’s holding it up? Not only is Nancy Pelosi holding it up it’s also Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell who is not taking the pandemic seriously and even chuckled about it (Hey Mitch, the pandemic is no laughing matter!) during the debate with Democratic challenger Amy McGrath. This shows just how callous this man is! He is not willing to pass any bill except another ridiculous proposed $500 billion ‘skinny bill’ that he wants to vote on and will never get passed! Again, he refuses to budge and go any higher to help the suffering American citizens. It shows how dysfunctional and corrupt these politicians really are. They don’t care about helping their own citizens during the worse crisis the nation has ever seen!

Treasure Secretary Steve Mnuchin is expected to return from his trip to the Middle East Tuesday. The talks are expected to continue but will a decision be reached before the election? Highly doubtful but it remains to be seen.

Americans need relief now! And the government or the feds should cough up the cash to all the people that really need it! Not make them wait until January or February! It’s very disturbing that people are losing their jobs, unable to pay rent, utilities and being evicted and can’t seem to put food on the table!

If the government is unable to reach a stimulus agreement, then definitely the Federal Reserve should step in (and the Feds are more powerful than Congress they can do it!) and save Americans from this crisis and distribute financial relief of $2,000 a month; possibly permanently because it was the failure of the government to keep us safe and it was China’s fault that the virus spread in the U.S. and the rest of the world.

Here’s a video clip from The Hill about the ‘stimulus deadline’ on YouTube.

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