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The Disturbing Reason Why Michaela DePrince Was Called “Number 27”

She Was Called "Number 27" The "Least Favorite Child" | Michaela DePrince | Goalcast


“Michaela Deprince was called the the devil child. Her parents passed away and she was left alone. The auntie in the orphanage  would wash our clothes and feed us.  27 kids in orphanage and number 26 listened to her and  I was 27 got the last of everything the least food and the worst clothes. Teacher Sarah cared for her and she was twirling around the rebels saw that teacher Sarah was pregnant and the baby was cut out by rebels and the young rebel cut my stomach. They cut the women’s arms and legs that was pregnant and she died man’s inhumanity to man is horrible. She was getting an adopted mama and the new mama took her best Friend 26 and 27. Her Brother died and her adoptive parent told her that people will always apart of you. She wants to encourage young people to believe in their dreams. Taking Flight is a book about her life. Her brother taught her to trust men again and then he died. She became the magazine she saw as a child.”




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