The Capitol Theatre is Back: Too Soon To Reopen?

Is it still too soon for the Capitol Theatre in Port Chester, NY to reopen its doors during a pandemic?

Photo of The Capitol Theatre stage Port Chester, NY. -YouTube CBS News

The Capitol Theatre is reopening this month with a full schedule including two sold-out shows with Sheryl Crow and a one-night-only performance by rock icon Billy Idol as well as Cheap Trick. This begs the question—is it too soon for The Capitol Theatre to reopen during the ongoing pandemic where there’s no social distancing and they check for your vaccination card or your digital passport?

The theatre just turned 95-years-old last month and is still going strong. They recently had their ceremony for the ‘family tiles’ which mark fans’ memories of their visit to the Capitol Theatre.

Here’s a YouTube video of one of the Capitol Theatre’s shows in 2018 of Phil Lesh:

The pandemic has made it very difficult for everyone from businesses facing financial hardship to individuals. So why would the Capitol Theatre decide to open now when cases are very high? Would they keep the capacity down to a minimum?

It’s still very difficult to tell whether people have been vaccinated or not or had a negative Covid test.  I’ve had both—I’ve been vaccinated and tested twice so if I decided to attend a show I wouldn’t have a problem getting admitted if I was comped for a show to cover for this blog. But the way things are going; it’s been very difficult to obtain comp tickets and snag interviews even if it’s over Zoom during a pandemic also. Everyone is stingy and wants money where before the pandemic I was able to get comped tickets to cover a concert.  It makes my job slightly more difficult.

I’ll keep you posted when I’m able to land more interviews and cover concerts.

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