‘The being is formerly known as Kanye West’ officially changes his name and Celebrities past and future with Bipolar Disorder

Oh, Ye of little names.

Like Madonna, Prince, and Cher, Kanye West will now be known by a mononym. The Grammy-winning musician has officially shortened his moniker to “Ye” and the “yay”-sounding nickname is now court-approved.

Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Michelle Williams on Monday granted the rapper’s August name-change petition, which also eliminates his middle and last names, Omari and West, respectively.

Kanye should be allowed to do whatever the hell he wants. This brother is trying to find some peace in his mind. He is clearly bipolar like many other superstars, the creativity must run on the bipolar spectrum.

In his filing, the 44-year-old stated that he was making the change for “personal reasons.” Since there were no objections to the petition, it was granted Monday without a hearing, the Times confirmed. A copy of the signed decree will be available in court in a week.

Ye already released an eponymous album by the same name in 2018 and declared he’d go by the mononym in a tweet that year: ‘the being formally known as Kanye West. I am YE,” he wrote back

“Ye,” his eighth studio album, arrived amid one of many bizarre chapters that have shaped West’s career in recent years. He’s taken on a religious transformation, split from reality-star wife Kim Kardashian, launched a failed run for U.S. president, and released his latest album, “Donda.”

In 2018, he told radio host Big Boy that he believes “ye,” which means “you,” is the most commonly used word in the Bible.

“So I’m you, I’m us, it’s us. It went from Kanye, which means the only one, to just Ye — just being a reflection of our good, our bad, our confused, everything,” he said.

Ye’s attorney who filed the petition did not immediately respond Monday to a request for additional comment.

ingers, poets, and celebrities. Many celebrities with mental illness, both now and in years past, are thought to have had bipolar disorder. Here’s a closer look at 13 famous people with bipolar disorder.

Vivien Leigh Suffered Without Bipolar Medications

Best known for her iconic Oscar-winning role as Scarlett O’Hara in Gone With the Wind, Vivien Leigh also captured the public’s attention with her marriage to fellow actor Laurence Olivier. However, Leigh was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, and her unpredictable behavior eventually ruined her professional reputation and destroyed her marriage to Olivier.

“In her day there were no pills, there were no clinics, there were no publicists, there was nobody between Vivien and an outside world which she found chilly, hostile, and sometimes, because of her mental state, could not cope with,” said her friend Sheridan Morley in a BBC documentary.2

Boosted by Hypomania, Carrie Fisher Became a Bestselling Author

Carrie Fisher’s portrayal of Princess Leia in the original Star Wars trilogy turned her into a pop-culture icon. However, partly due to her tumultuous childhood, she struggled with drug and alcohol addictions. In her early twenties, Fisher was told she was hypomanic, but she didn’t believe her doctor.

Over time, however, she came to terms with her condition and became a bestselling author, writing books such as Postcards From the Edge and Surrender the Pink. Becoming a mother was the impetus for this change.

“Prior to having a child, I really did feel, it’s my business if I wanted to stop my medications,” she told bp Magazine. “I no longer feel that’s so.”

Jean-Claude Van Damme Experienced Rapid-Cycling Bipolar Disorder

AP Photo

The Belgian kickboxer Jean-Claude Van Damme has appeared in numerous action films, including BloodsportSudden Death, and Universal Soldier. While his movie career took off, Van Damme’s personal life was unraveling. He divorced four times, was charged with spousal abuse, and was addicted to cocaine.

However, things started to come together after his diagnosis of rapid-cycling bipolar. He told E! Online, “You just have to take a little salt [the drug sodium valproate], and since I’m doing that it’s, like, BOOM! In one week, I felt it kick in. All the commotion around me, all the water around me, moving left and right around me, became like a lake.”https://da5bbfd7f06cba77cebfbf9d017ee3ce.safeframe.googlesyndication.com/safeframe/1-0-38/html/container.html4

Struggled for 20 Years With Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder

Actress Linda Hamilton is best known for her role as Sarah Connor in Terminator and Terminator 2: Judgment Day. She also starred in the TV series Beauty and the Beast. Despite her professional success, she was self-medicating with drugs and alcohol, and her bipolar mood swings damaged two marriages.

Hamilton struggled with symptoms of bipolar disorder for 20 years, a time she calls the “lost years.” Though she initially worried that treatment would diminish her talents, she is now on medication and speaks openly about being bipolar.

“Somebody needs to come out and make this okay for people to talk about and get help and take advantage of the resources,” she told the Associated Press

Sinéad O’Connor Rebuilt Her Life After a Depression Diagnosis

The Irish singer Sinéad O’Connor often made headlines in the late 1980s and 1990s with her Grammy-winning songs and rebellious attitude. However, as her fame grew in her twenties, she began to suffer from depression.

O’Connor’s depression steadily got worse, including suicidal thoughts, until she was finally diagnosed with bipolar disorder at the age of 37. She talked openly about living with this condition on The Oprah Winfrey Show in 2007.

“Every pore of you is crying and you don’t even understand why or what,” she says. “I actually kind of died and got born again as a result of taking the meds and having a chance to, you know, build a life.”6

Vincent van Gogh Was Fueled by Mood Swings

The legendary artist Vincent van Gogh painted some of the world’s best-known works, such as The Starry Night. However, he is also remembered for his difficult, eccentric, and moody personality.

There is no consensus on what medical condition fueled van Gogh’s behavior, though some suspect epilepsy, depression, psychotic attacks, and bipolar disorder.

An published in the American Journal of Psychiatry says: “Van Gogh had earlier suffered two distinct episodes of reactive depression, and there are clearly bipolar aspects to his history. Both episodes of depression were followed by sustained periods of increasingly high energy and enthusiasm, first as an evangelist and then as an artist.”7

Virginia Woolf Suffered Psychiatric Breakdowns

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The 20th-century English novelist and essayist Virginia Woolf is said to have expanded the boundaries of the novel with works such as Mrs. Dalloway and To the Lighthouse. She suffered mood swings and breakdowns throughout her life.

An article in the American Journal of Psychiatry explains her behavior: “From the age of 13, Woolf had symptoms that today would be diagnosed as bipolar disorder; she experienced mood swings from severe depression to manic excitement and episodes of psychosis. In her own time, however, psychiatry had little to offer her.”8

Jane Pauley Supports the Wide Array of Bipolar Treatments

The television journalist Jane Pauley made her network debut on NBC’s Today show at the age of 25. She went on to work for the network’s Dateline and later had her own talk show.

At the age of 50, Pauley began experiencing episodes of depression and mania. It is thought that steroids used to treat hives kick-started her symptoms, which were diagnosed as bipolar disorder. She describes her experiences in her bestselling memoir Skywriting: A Life Out of the Blue.

“If we’re lucky, the next generation won’t drag around that personal stigma,” she tells bp Magazine. “They also are going to grow up with a wider array of medications that addresses whatever causes this malady of ours.”9

Mariette Hartley Urges Others to Stay on the Right Bipolar Treatment

Among famous people with bipolar disorder is the Emmy-winning actress Mariette Hartley, who has appeared in numerous television shows and starred in a popular series of commercials in the 1970s. However, her family life was troubled — she lost both her father and an uncle to suicide, and her mother also attempted to take her own life. In 1994, Hartley started having suicidal thoughts and was misdiagnosed with depression, and later ADD. The third diagnosis — bipolar disorder — was the correct one.

It was difficult for Hartley to speak publicly about her condition, but she decided to take the chance to educate others. In a USA Today article, the actress emphasized the importance of getting the right treatment: “If you are on the right medication … stay on it and don’t change. But if it doesn’t seem to be working, then go to a doctor and find the right one for you.”10

Catherine Zeta-Jones and Bipolar II Disorder

The Academy Award–winning actress Catherine Zeta-Jones first became known to movie audiences in the 1998 film The Mask of Zorro. In 2000, she married actor Michael Douglas. The mother of two revealed in April 2011 that she had sought treatment for bipolar II disorder, which is characterized by episodes of hypomania (less severe highs and irritability) alternating with depression.

“After dealing with the stress of the past year, Catherine made the decision to check into a mental health facility for a brief stay,” her publicist announced in a statement.11

Creed Frontman Scott Stapp Believes in Sobriety

Creed front man Scott Stapp recently revealed he was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. In 2017, Stapp made headlines for his alcohol and drug addiction and erratic behavior. “In my delusional thinking, I thought my family was involved in ISIS, and that millions of dollars had been taken from me to support terrorism,” he told People magazine. “All of it was nonsense. I was out of my mind.” 

While in an intensive program in a dual diagnostic facility, Stapp was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. “It was hard to process,” he says. “There’s a stigma associated with it. But Jaclyn [Stapp’s wife] kept telling me, ‘Embrace it. We love you.’ It became a big sign of relief, because finally, we had an answer.”

Now in intensive therapy, Stapp takes medication for his disorder and is also involved in a 12-step program. “Nothing is more important than my sobriety,” he told People.12

Demi Lovato Lives Well With Bipolar Disorder

The actress and singer Demi Lovato, born in 1992, learned she had bipolar disorder after a stint in rehab in 2010 to address with depression, an eating disorder, and self-harm. She discussed her diagnosis in a 2011 interview with People magazine. “I never found out until I went into treatment that I was bipolar,” she told the magazine. During the interview, Lovato said she had battled depression from a young age. 

Recently, the popular songstress talked to HuffPost Live about living with the condition. “I was dealing with bipolar depression and didn’t know what was wrong with me. Little did I know, there was a chemical imbalance in my brain,” she says. “Because I didn’t tell people what I need, I ended up self-medicating and coping with very unhealthy behaviors.” 

After therapy and treatment, Lovato says she’s in a good place. “Now I live well with bipolar disorder,” Lovato says. “Happiness is a choice. Life is a roller coaster. You can make the highs as amazing as possible, and you can control how low the lows go.” 13

Mariah Carey Reveals Decades-Long Struggle With Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a mental illness that involves shifts in mood that cycle between extreme highs and lows. These episodes involve periods of elation, known as mania, and bouts of depression. Common symptoms include binge eating, drinking, drug use, sexual promiscuity, and spending sprees. These eight celebrities and famous historical figures have all lived with bipolar disorder.

Russell Brand

Russell Brand is a British comedian, actor, and activist. He has made his struggle with bipolar disorder a central focus of his public persona, often referencing it in his performances and writing. He’s known for speaking openly about instability in his past. He withstood an unhappy childhood, a heroin and crack habit, bulimia, and sex addiction. His bipolar disorder has helped shape his career: he’s now known for his intriguing combination of ambition and vulnerability.

Catherine Zeta-Jones

After a stressful year watching her husband, Michael Douglas, grapple with a cancer diagnosis, Catherine Zeta-Jones checked herself into a mental health facility for treatment of bipolar II. Bipolar II is a type of bipolar disorder that’s marked by longer bouts of depression and less elevated “up” periods. Zeta-Jones sought treatment briefly to help balance her mental health before going back to work.

She has been very outspoken about managing her disorder. She advocates for de-stigmatizing mental illness and hopes that she can inspire others to seek treatment and support.https://b469dbbfbc6f5475cfe335d0c3a3cf3d.safeframe.googlesyndication.com/safeframe/1-0-38/html/container.html

Kurt Cobain

The Nirvana front man and cultural icon was diagnosed with ADD at a young age and later with bipolar disorder. Kurt Cobain also struggled with substance abuse and developed a heroin addiction in the years leading up to his death. Despite the massive success of Nirvana, Cobain committed suicide at age 27 after checking himself out of a drug rehabilitation center. Cobain is widely recognized as a creative genius. Nirvana appears at number thirty on Rolling Stone magazine’s list of the 100 Greatest Artists.ADVERTISEMENTTraditional therapy – done online

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Graham Greene

English novelist Graham Greene led a hedonistic life—he would swing from periods of elation or irritability to despair, and was guilty of repeated infidelities. He was an alcoholic who abandoned his wife and children in favor of a series of affairs with married women. He was a devout Catholic who was tormented by his behavior, and expressed the moral struggle between good and evil in his novels, plays, and films.

Nina Simone

The famous singer of “I Put a Spell on You” was a prodigious jazz artist. Simone was also a political activist vocal during the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s. She was prone to fits of rage and was labeled a “difficult diva” in the music industry at the time. She experienced greater freedom of expression and authenticity than a lot of the women of her time. She also ignored pressures to conform to “normal” social conventions. Her biographers explore her bipolar and borderline personality disorder symptoms in the books “Princess Noire: The Tumultuous Reign of Nina Simone” and “Break It Down and Let It All Out.”https://b469dbbfbc6f5475cfe335d0c3a3cf3d.safeframe.googlesyndication.com/safeframe/1-0-38/html/container.html

Winston Churchill

The twice-over Prime Minister of the United Kingdom who achieved victory during World War II was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in middle age. Winston Churchill often referred openly to his depression, calling it his “black dog.” He was known for making the best of his situation and often capitalized on episodes of sleeplessness by directing his energy into his work. He published 43 books during his time as prime minister. He went on to win the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1953.

English rock star, Sting, has been outspoken regarding his battles with bipolar disorder. He’s also participated in events raising awareness about the disease. Looking back at his time as frontman of the band Police, he noted, “I was suicidal. … I was manic-depressive and I just wasn’t chemically balanced enough.”

7 Famous Singers You Didn’t Know Struggle With Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a mental illness marked by extreme shifts in mood. Symptoms can include an extremely elevated mood called mania or include episodes of depression. Let’s find out about who are these bipolar singers.

List of Bipolar Singers

1. Mariah Carey

Mariah Carey says she was first diagnosed with bipolar disorder in 2001. On an interview with People magazine in April 2018 she opens up about her disorder saying that she now feels she’s in a good place managing her mental health.

“I didn’t want to believe it,” the superstar singer-songwriter told PEOPLE.

“Until recently I lived in denial and isolation and in constant fear someone would expose me,” she said. “It was too heavy a burden to carry, and I simply couldn’t do that anymore. I sought and received treatment, I put positive people around me, and I got back to doing what I love — writing songs and making music.”

2. Frank Sinatra

Francis Albert Sinatra was an American singer, actor, and producer who was one of the most popular and influential musical artists of the 20th century. He sold 150 million records!

He won an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for his performance in From Here to Eternity.https://www.youtube.com/embed/WIO3Iesc4hk?feature=oembed

Sinatra was quoted as saying, “Being an 18-karat manic depressive and having lived a life of violent emotional contradictions, I have an over-acute capacity for sadness as well as elation.”

3. Halsey

Halsey was diagnosed with bipolar disorder when she was 17-years-old after a suicide attempt. She created much of her album, Manic during a manic episode of bipolar disorder. 

Singer-songwriter Halsey has spoken up about mental illness in a lengthy Twitter thread signed, “Human Being with a Decade Long Bipolar Diagnosis.

“I Would Leave Me If I Could,” a forthcoming poetry collection by Halsey, is now available for pre-order at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Target, IndieBound, and other retailers.

4. Sting

English rock star, Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner also known as Sting, has been open about his battles with bipolar disorder. He’s also participated in events raising awareness about the disease

Looking back at his time as frontman of the band Police, he noted, “I was suicidal. …I was manic-depressive and I just wasn’t chemically balanced enough.”

5. Kanye West

Kanye West has previously been open about his mental health. He confirmed that he had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder in 2018, with the release of his album Ye — which bore the phrase “I Hate Being Bipolar. It’s Awesome” on the cover.https://www.youtube.com/embed/kJUc7Rz7QiU?feature=oembed

In a 2019 cover story for Vogue, Kardashian West, 39, said that her husband has accepted that he is bipolar, though he has opted out of treating the disorder with pharmaceuticals.

6. Demi Lovato

Singer Demi Lovato was diagnosed with bipolar disorder when she entered rehab for drug addiction, bulimia, and self-harm in 2010 at age 22.

MTV aired a documentary about Lovato’s struggles with it in 2012. 

Lovato said she wants women to know that “it’s possible to live well, feel well, and also find happiness with bipolar disorder or any other mental illness they’re struggling with.”

7. Bebe Rexha

The 30-year-old singer joins the list of bipolar singers, Bebe Rexha, who opened up on Twitter saying “I’m bipolar and I’m not ashamed anymore.

“For the longest time, I didn’t understand why I felt so sick,” Rexha tweeted. “Why I felt lows that made me not want to leave my house or be around people and why I felt highs that wouldn’t let me sleep, wouldn’t let me stop working or creating music. Now I know why.”

On Monday, medical officials said Michael Jackson has bipolar II depression, the milder form of a mental illness once referred to as manic depression. The more severe form of bipolar disorder affects about 1 to 2 percent of the population

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