‘The Batman’ Reaches $238M in the US

Without question, Batman movies have always been significant at the box office. It’s hard to recall one of the franchise’s films being unsuccessful. The Bateman continues the series’ legacy of doing well at both the international and U.S. box offices.

The film earned $66 million over its second weekend of release, tallying $238.5 million in total (domestically). The film is officially the second largest grossing film during the pandemic next to Spider-Man: No Way Home (which generated $800 million domestically).

The film made an additional $66.6 million, putting it at $463.2 million globally. It will make its debut in China later this week where it is projected to do well.

The budget for the project was $200 million and since it earned more than twice its budget it is safe to say that The Batman is a great success, and its just getting started.

The project has been receiving excellent film criticism and audience reception.

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