The B Word Live : Bitcoin as a tool for economic empowerment (Elon Musk /Jack Dorsey / Cathie Wood)

Bitcoins, Bitcoin in hand of woman, Digital cryptocurrency Online, virtual future currency concept.

The B-word Live of Bitcoin is trying to gain some legitimacy. Pay Pal days of Elon Musk has been thinking about money all the time. Pay Pal is a fast-acting system. So the more you learn about Bitcoin it is Gold and the Lite coin is Gold, most of the other coins are the business that makes the others work.  Transaction volume is low and the use is low.  Elon owns Bitcoin, Ehereum the highway for all coins, and Dogecoin. These are the most important people talking about Bitcoin in the world,  Twitter CEO and Tesla CEO, and Cathie Woods Ark CEO is a real star in finance. Bitcoin is not controlled by any state, it is the money of the people, Africa needs this to keep another country from trying to control the resources of particular countries on the continent..The standard system of 21 million coins is all you get. The store of value, meaning of exchange is important, Purchasing power is going up around the world. This is a hedge against money take over, from governments from Ghana and Nigeria where money transactions result in a loss of 30% of the money, it is gone right away. They are just taking advantage of Africa, when Africa becomes free we all become free, that is why China is investing in Africa and America is not.

Elon owns  Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Dogecoin, SpaceX and Tesla, this is big deal. He is the future of America, just listen and learn. This is a really important meeting of the minds, Bitcoin is here to stay. We should not be scared of Bitcoin and Crypto Currencies. Money is the main cause of wars, and 700 billion transactions represents 8% to 30% of the money to your family overseas. People should not be scared of Bitcoin, this is a new gold rush don’t miss it. Open source and transparent, Jack Dorsey wants free system money transactions. This is the way Africans can be free to grow the money.  You should be the only one that owns your keys to Crypto wallets, which is important. Just watch and learn. Democratization is what Ark is all about. We need Bitcoin in our life we need our money at some levels from our government. Blue Sky is coming to challenge Facebook. Jack Dorsey does not want a CEO to shut down people from the internet like Trump, or The minister of the Nation of Islam Louis Farrakhan has been banned from Facebook, Blue skies may becoming.Tesla and Square have to put Bitcoin on the balance sheet. This is the most important conversation of the day. Watch listen and learn, This is about world peace when you take money out of the equation.

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