The 22nd annual St. Louis Filmmakers Showcase kicks off this weekend and UN Resolved the movie is featured in a big way

I got a film in this event and I’m super proud of how it came together and is getting a good buzz. It is really good for gorilla filmmaker Bruce Carlton Cunningham Jr. I saw firsthand how much work went into this and we did not miss a beat. Not just us saying it anybody that saw the special premiere of the film for the people that donated money and time and talent and it worth the price of admission just to see the faces of actors and all that was involved.

I am proud to be part of this project I know if you are a movie buff like me it is an experience and I would not let go until I felt we had urban independent masterpiece nobody really knows what an independent filmmaker does to get a movie done. The crowdfunding video below is what got me hooked and when I saw beautiful St. Louis looked in the film and all the real work Bruce did in post-production I had to become a producer for my cousin. The movie is a hard thing to do if you do it right and the team did it right. I think we have an urban classic film here. It shot like a really big-budget film we just had to make it happen. We did not leave anything out of the movie-making experience. Original music and score were a must.

Copy and paste if you want tickets: on July 24th a Washington Univesity at 4:30 pm brown campus Click here for tickets :

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