Technology Unlocks Human Potential

Technology Unlocks Human Potential


Without question, human potential holds a connection with the application of technology. The intersection between the two concepts becomes apparent through the demonstration of leadership within humans in positions of employment, government and in various places within society. Today’s professionals, more now than ever before, possess access to academic and business material through online journals and in physical libraries regarding the ways in which technology can educate people to help solve contemporary world issues and spur innovation in a variety private sector industries. The post-millennium has ushered in a new era in which students at any stage of academic proficiency and professionals of any experience level can revolutionize the development of products and services, as well as training and social programs.


Proving the argument of technology unlocking human potential involves the explanation of a variety of concepts: an overview of current trends, description of how the next generation learns while applying technology, as well as industry and legal standards influencing implementation. One of the most important priorities of any contemporary student or professional involves the ability remain up-to-date in terms of acquiring skills relevant to the application of technology at any institution in which one operates. The future typically arrives much sooner than anyone expects due to the rapid changes in technology, particularly through social media and similar internet platforms. However, when it comes to the trends, professionals should keep an eye on the following areas: people, education, economics and technology.


Understanding how trends impact people represents a strong first step in describing the overall context in which humans can unlock potential through technology. For example, millennials, typically gravitate toward group activities partially due to the prevalence of technology amongst their generations-particularly noteworthy being the availability of television shows and video games. Due to the accessibility of technology, many millnnials associate real-world values with those presented on televised programming, many of which identifying personal or familial values with that of fictional dramatization. Millennials spend significantly more than spend more time watching media than previous generations due to the availability of products and services. Despite this trend, the demographic remains engaged with technology as today’s world functions through mobile devices-namely smart phones with the ability to send text messages and download applications. Most technology experts would agree, the demographic demonstrates and adequate level of curiosity surrounding the application and development of new technologies, corresponding with the societal need to implement such products throughout society. Sub-demographics continue to exhibit interest in the use of technology as well, seemingly despite completed level of education.


Contemporary research shows that more than 90% of children between the ages of 5 and 17 use computers on a frequent basis. An astounding 59% hold access to the internet on a consistent basis, and 72% used technology to complete school assignments. Studies also show students access the internet far more frequently outside of the academic setting than during open lab times or library. As a result, researchers can derive millenials as demonstrating the following characteristics regarding learning preferences: teamwork, structure, engagement and excitement. Similarly, in terms of communication preferences, the following characteristics can be arrived: positivity, respectfulness, motivation and goal-oriented.


Discovering how technology unlocks human potential also commands an understanding of the theories in connection with the today’s digital devices. The widespread access of technology has been aided primarily by the introduction of Moore’s law into the market place, which asserts the following: processing power will double in speed and power 18 months and reduce in price by 50%. The paradigm accounts for the one of the major reasons why the top technology companies posses the ability to develop new hardware and software models on a routine basis, and introduce them into international marketplaces at competitive prices through store locations and online distributors. Since technology continues to become more innovative and cheaper simultaneously, billions more people around the globe may gain access to devices with an internet connection by the year 2020. The expansion of availability may lead to significant changes in the technical spheres related to publishing, computers, television, radio and communication. However, humans will unlock new forms of potential through the fusion and development of each concept. For example, as technology influences publishing efforts within China’s developing economy, Western media corporations may seek partnerships in order to tap into the emerging potential of the growing market.


Education continues to represent a significant factor in describing the impact of unlocking human potential. The number of public schools in the United States with internet access jumped significant from 1994 (3%) to 2002 (92%). Equally as significant were the figures for the total number of schools: 1994 (35%) and 2002 (99%). By 2002, 53% of schools offered students access to the internet outside of school hours, and 97% of school districts offered professional development to teachers aiding the integration of technology into curriculum. In education, technology unlocks the potential for professionals to understand their role within academic institutions and understand how they encourage students to have an impact in the world.


Technology unlocks human potential by creating a next generation learning environment in which students and professionals can pertinent leadership skills and experience. Technology use present the opportunity to engage in dynamic interactions in order to facilitate learning for students, teachers and administrators, reducing the friction in communication between each group. The adoption of technology within these settings also significantly increases the levels of productivity of each group. Through introducing devices the particular demographics, explaining how it automates particular functions and creates innovation, students and professionals can learning how such an academic environment unlocks potential and significantly impacts the ability to demonstrate leadership.

The next generation learning model produces thoughtful, highly skilled, innovators into workforce and academia. Students and professionals exhibit a profound presence regarding the ability to adopt technology, access information from multiple devices, and set objects for completion of offline activates.

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