TCL’s Tell Me Something Tuesday #TMST #12 & #LetsDiscuss2024 #12 – Following Other Bloggers – September 3, 2024. – The Chocolate Lady’s Book Review Blog


Tell Me Something Tuesday 20-21 Image(1)

TMST is a weekly meme with optional participation hosted by Jen Twimom @ That’s What I’m Talking About. There isn’t a check in and she doesn’t have a linky (although you’ll find one at the bottom of this post for #LetsDiscuss2024). She does encourage you to leave a link to your post on her blog if you participate so she and others can find you!

Jen sends out an email with the upcoming prompts roughly every two months. To get them, just go to her blog and sign up to get her newsletters. Then, just write a post for the corresponding date’s topic!

Today – September 3 – the topic is: How do you keep up with your favorite blogs?

 So, without any further ado…

These are my personal opinions. I do not expect anyone to agree with anything here, and in fact, I’m certain that many will disagree and/or even hate many of the things I’ve written below. Sorry about that, but you are always welcome to express your own opinions – be they contrary or comparable – in the comments section. So, with that out of the way… let the controversy begin!

How do you keep up with your favorite blogs?

I thought this would be a pretty easy one. I think I might have been mistaken!

To begin with, every day, I received between 50 and about 75 emails with new posts from the book blogs I follow (although sometimes it gets up to nearly 100). Most of these are via WordPress. There’s also a about a dozen emails I get are RSS feeds for blogs on Blogger, plus a handful of posts from other platforms. So, that can end up meaning I’m getting about 100 emails about new blog posts every day. Although that might sound a bit unwieldy, remember I’m retired, so I have lots of time on my hands. Still… this got me thinking.

When I was starting out on Blogger, I subscribed to every book blog I could find. When I moved over the WordPress, that was even easier to do. I think I went a bit mad, actually. Because according to WordPress alone, when I started writing this post, I was subscribed to 1,063 sites! Yeah, I know… that’s a whole lot of blogs. Now, I know that not all of them are active, because if they were, I’d be getting hundreds more emails. So, I took this opportunity to look at all the ones listed as “paused” for which I’m not getting emails. (By the way, the format for managing your subscriptions here has changed, but is actually better than the old one. That didn’t make my job any easier, though.) I quickly found that many of these blogs were dead, or inactive, and I was able to unsubscribe to them. I know, that won’t help reduce my daily emails, but why have links to inactive, dead, or irrelevant sites, right?

After that culling I’m now only subscribed to… 677 sites! However, I also found a bunch of blogs listed as “paused” which are fully active and that have reviews and posts I’d like to know about in the future. In fact, I changed 57 sites from “paused” to “daily” so… it might seem like progress, so I probably ADDED more emails to my daily list… (UPDATE: Yes, I am getting more emails now, but only about 20-30.)

But I think a few of those are somehow from blogs on Blogger, so off I went to my old site. I found that on Blogger I’m following 135 blogs. I’m not totally sure how/if I get notifications about those blogs, but surely some of them need getting rid of from my subscription list. After tossing those that aren’t active, as well as a few that weren’t relevant anymore, I’ve got that list down to 54, which isn’t bad.

Now we just have to see if my daily emails increase or decrease in the future.

In conclusion, apparently the answer to the question is: I get daily emails of new posts from all my favorite blogs, and every day I go through all those emails. Plus, when I get a discussion question about following favorite blogs, I review and cull my subscription lists!

This post also qualifies as my 12th entry in the #LetsDiscuss 2024 Book Blog Discussion Challenge hosted by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction and Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight!



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