Swiss TMF Gallery

A Photo and Art Competition

 This is an open call to all video artists, photographers, and visual artists who are at least 18 years old. The Swiss ‘TMF GALLERY Competition’ is open for 5 original works of art created within the past 3 years. The competitions attract artists from around the world. The artist calls are open to all video artists, photographers, and digital artists.

 The deadline is the 30th of July 2021. It is meant for up-and-coming digital artists’ opportunities. It is the opportunity to be showcased and considered for international multimedia display and screening shows. It is also seeking aesthetic and conceptual video art.

To all emerging


Also a possibility to win a Public Screenings in Australian Cities

The pictures will not be physically exhibited, but published exclusively via digital media and up to large display screens, therefore painters and photographers submit a high-resolution files of works, no prints or physical works. It is for artists from any country and any professional and artistic background has the chance to become visible and gain an audience.  The winners of the category video art, photo art and digital mixed media art will be digitally shown via Display Screens in various cities in Australia.  



1-3 Works euro 40
4-5 Works euro 50

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