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Support Emerging Artists at Art Students League of New York sale 2022

What is The Art Students League of New York?

The Art Students League of New York has announced its annual art sale for 2022. The event is a showcase that gives observers the ability to purchase art directly. The exhibition will feature new works by League artists.

The Student Art Sale takes place Dec. 9-23 at the League’s Phyllis Harriman Mason Gallery at 215 West 57th Street. The event is free, open to the public, and features more than 500 original works on display.

More than 2,500 students currently study at the League. This year’s event includes works by alumni Georgia O’Keeffe, Norman Rockwell, Jackson Pollock, Robert Rauschenberg, Louise Bourgeois, Alexander Calder, James Rosenquist and Ai-Weiwei.

The art work is priced between $50 and $1,500. The proceeds go towards supporting emerging artists and assisting the League in its mission to provide accessible, affordable, and high-quality arts education and instruction.

The League was founded in 1875 when a group of students at the National Academy of Design decided to branch out from their school and create their own exhibitions and art sales. The League’s goal is to help artist foster their creativity without the burdens of unfair criticism or tuition.

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