Steve Bannon’s Show Suspended by YouTube and Twitter

Steve Bannon's show suspended

Stephen K. Bannon, known as Steve Bannon, was an advisor to the Trump administration at the beginning of the President’s first term. It is unclear why he wanted to resign before the conclusion of President Trump’s first term. He served as an advisor for seven months; however, he had a business relationship with Donald Trump when he was a reality TV star who was not interested in politics.

Bannon is most famous for being a chairman for the controversial media company Breitbart News, which often publishes what critics call the “alt-right” or “right wing conspiracy theories”. Bannon’s online show has been suspended by Twitter and its latest episode removed by YouTube. Representatives from both tech companies agreed that Bannon’s recent controversial remarks called for acts of violence across the U.S.

In his statements, Bannon also threatened violence against the country’s leading infectious disease expert, Dr. Anthony Fauci, and the FBI director Christopher Wray. On his show, Bannon stated that he would fire Fauci and Wray, and that President Donald Trump should do so if he wins the 2020 election. Bannon also made this disturbing comment: “I’d actually like to go back to the old times of Tudor England, I’d put the heads on pikes, right, I’d put them at the two corners of the White House as a warning to federal bureaucrats.

” Bannon also referred to “hangings” as something that was a part of America’s past that should be brought back against traitors today. Bannon did not accurately describe who he considered to be a traitor during his fiery speech. YouTube has temporarily suspended his broadcast. Twitter has permanently deleted his show for promoting violence. A representative from YouTube stated: “ We’ve removed this video for violating our policy against inciting violence.

We will continue to be vigilant as we enforce our policies in the post-election period. ”Social media is a two-sided coin. On one side, it is a positive platform for sharing useful information. On the other side, it is a platform that is often misused to present propaganda that is violent and dangerous. This is also an issue for the leading social media website-Facebook. The company’s groups section is often filled with violent rhetoric. Every day the company has to shut down a significant number of groups.

One recently deleted group had more than 300,000 followers. The unfortunate reality in regards to Steve Bannon is that there are many social media platforms for him to bring his show. He may be able to return to YouTube after his suspension. It seems that the only platform that has banned him completely is Twitter. All other platforms are fair game for him.

He could easily move his show over to Facebook or Instagram. Or even to popular platforms like Patreon. The problem is that the cat is now out of the bag based on his recent remarks. Now everyone in journalism and news knows with certainty that Steve Bannon will encourage some Americans to enact violence on others based on politics, race, religion and any other subject he can use to further divide the country. To make matters even worse, the American people now know exactly who Bannon is and what he stands for.

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