Stealing from black America in home Values. Couple says wife’s race affected home appraisal l GMA

In America, systematic racism cost black money. This system does not want us to have money it wants to keep the wealth gap large and black in their place poor. We are not taught about investing. Only teaches us to spend. This is why black Americans even if they get rich don’t have generational wealth. The stock market, starting your own business, real estate investing not past on the black community. Classic examples when a black business owner dies the business dies with them no matter how successful they are. The kids don’t want it they just want the money. We are 400 years behind the wealth gap is getting larger. It is sad in today’s world redlining still exists. America has made being black a crime. And all black have to pay for it. Rick Ross bought land and this made the news that is sad. Black people in sports are always broke after they leave the game.



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