Staircase to Heaven Design

Wooden Spiral Staircase

Source: photo by Annette Stewart

There are different meanings of the staircase. Spiritual and religious as a staircase to Heaven, a staircase that generally is accepted when us humans evolve from early tree-dwelling ancestors toward today. We learned to walk upright and live downstairs, making up for the relative safety of life toward upper levels, with increasing intelligence along the way. We use tools and the ability to build different structures. The staircase model has a psychological explanation for disgruntled people in society, where it involves a metaphorical staircase, where each step is influenced by a specific psychological process.

But there is another call for artists who are interested in the idea of designing a staircase. The African American Museum, Dallas, and the Perot Museum of Nature and Science is conducting a call for entries for a staircase commission to create a vibrantly colored and eye-catching site-specific creative design. This artists competition celebrates African-American leaders in science – from history to modern-day – who have made significant contributions to science, technology, engineering and math.

This call for entries is still active and the deadline is 30th of October 2020. The design is to be installed on the large outdoor staircase at the Perot Museum of Nature and Science in Dallas; project is in partnership with the African American Museum, Dallas, the US. It has no submission fee and prize is 5.000$.

The creative design will be reproduced on weatherproof, vinyl materials and professionally installed on the Perot Museum’s large, multi-story outdoor staircase facing Field Street, a main thoroughfare into Downtown Dallas.
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