South Korea’s View on the BLM Movement

A person carries a sign supporting BLM

Source: Thomas Maresca/UPI

It’s very known that the South Korean Music Industry uses concepts that are from the black community. For example: Hip Hop style music, fashion, and hairstyles. So, wouldn’t it be logical for the Koreans who benefit off black culture to spread awareness of issues the black community is facing and support them? Or just in general, just help out? What do you think?

The death of George Floyd has gained World Wide Attention. Protests were seen in almost every country, including South Korea. When news broke out about the way the police treated Mr.Floyd, the South Korean Community became angered and a wave of support was sent to the black community.

Even though SK is a very popular country, the percentage of other people of different backgrounds living there are very low. Also the country has its own issues and rarely pays attention to matters not concerning them. That’s why many people were surprised by South Koreans’ reactions.

Awareness has changed over the years. Back then, there were many people who turned a blind eye to racism. But today’s generation is sick and tired of it. A video I watched from a youtube channel, Asian Boss, had a Korean citizen give her opinion on the issue. I’ll add the link to the video below. She states that unfair treatment towards black people has been happening for a very long time and it needs to be stopped, it’s very wrong. Another person also states that everyone should come together in times like these to help and support the black community.

Many popular Korean artists have spoken out and donated money towards the Black Lives Matter Movement. Some even joined in protests. World’s most popular boy group, BTS, has donated 1 million dollars to the foundation and their fans also matched the same amount.

As you can see, that’s South Korea’s view on the matter. They’re raising their voices at injustice. Are you?

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