Soul Chain

A Theatre Play

My favorite theatre play this November would be a performance by a German dance company TanzManz.

Imagine the rigid discipline on stage and about 15-17 dancers synchronized just perfectly? Inspired by love the piece evokes truly strong emotions. It is called the Soul Chain and it is the combination of ballet and electronic music really into one rigid and composed, exciting contemporary dance performance.

This challenging choreography of celebrated and awarded choreographer Sharon Eyal won the German DER FAUST Theatre Prize in 2018 and it is really a strong kinetic feel. A group of people on the stage looked like a lively swarm of bodies on the stage.

It is apparent that the piece talks about passion in love. We could see counted, measured movements of the group in perfect unison and we could clearly see hard work too. Sharon Eyal says that “Soul Chain” is a play about love and longing. The longing, maybe because movements are kinda minimalistic, and it can be sensed the highest discipline and great physical strength. The dancers kept full attention for the entire 55 minutes. Soul Chain is a chain of people on the stage, characters, and emotions that move back and forward in anger, with passion, and with the inner struggle of each individual that triggers a range of movements with the most intense style. Truly impressive show. The soul chain by its spiritual meaning carries unique patterns of energy as well and we are able to amplify those same patterns within us. A good performance can help calm the mind, heal the body and awaken the spirit. And with all the craziness of today’s world, any opportunity to enhance positive energy is welcome.

We find big loneliness in us confronted with the love of life, this huge passion, which is not always present in our feelings. We have to accept this loneliness of us all. Everyone is living their own life and is ending it alone. There are big emotions within the bodies. I believe it doesn´t need a story, much more its priority shows the actual expression through the bodies and muscles. I don´t plan any scene, much more I feel what is right at this moment very intuitive, almost like an animal. In merge to become part of what seems to be a single large organism…“  said Sharon Eyal

Sharon Eyal is one of the most influential contemporary choreographers in the world. Her pieces are commissioned works all over the world, most recently for Nederlands Dans Theater I, The Royal Swedish Ballet, and regularly for Tanzmainz, the contemporary dance ensemble of Staatstheater Mainz. Soul Chain combines ballet and electro music. The 17 dancers become the energy in a mesmerizing choreography and are celebrated by the audience at the Tanzplattform Deutschland in Munich in 2020.

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