Now they want to cut out more people this is sad during this time. When this country is moving towards 500,000 dead because of Republicans being afraid to check Trump on his BS, about COVID 19 and science, Heard immunity is way off on this people are getting this twice. People are dying from this and it still does not matter to them. We are not talking about $20,000 a piece we are talking at best $2,000 please this is a mess. We are in trouble in this country it makes me sick to my stomach that people are okay with giving rich people huge tax breaks and expect that to trickle down that mess doesn’t work. If you don’t force rich people to pay poor people it’s not going to work. Our government loves to make more billionaires at the expense of the poor and disadvantage. So does this surprise but watch and learn.
Some Americans Using Covid Relief To Pay Off Debts, HOW DARE THEY?!?