Socrates’ Book Reviews…: Top Ten Tuesday


Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week, the topic is Books That Provide a Much-Needed Escape.

Since I love cozy mysteries, those are the books I use for escaping.  For this post, I decided to list the cozy series I escape into instead of specific books.  These are in no specific order and there are so many other series I’m forgetting as well, but this is a start.

1. Cat in the Stacks by Miranda James

2. A Magical Cats Mystery by Sofie Kelly

3. Joe Gray series by Shirley Rousseau Murphy

4. A Tourist Trap Mystery by Lynn Cahoon

5. Detective Whiskers by Chris Abernathy

6. A Noodle Shop Mystery by Vivien Chien

7. Magical Mystery Book Club by Elizabeth Pantley

8. The Haunted Library Mysteries by Allison Brook

9. Mrs. Murphy Mysteries by Rita Mae Brown

10. Cat Cafe Mysteries by Cate Conte


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