Should Companies Use Assigned Passwords?

Should Companies Use Assigned Passwords?


-Authentication becomes a faster process.

-It does not require the memorization of a complex password with different types of characters.

-It makes the user have easier access to applications, often times before it prompts them to generate a new password (even though this creates a vulnerability).


-If the password remains easy to guess or if it reaches the public an assigned password cannot provide appropriate security.

-A lost or stole password may be difficult or nearly impossible to retrieve if it is assigned through an application.

-Assigning a password for multiple applications in terms of its authentication can be inconvenient and time consuming.

-It’s highly likely that users will reveal their assigned password by mistake to other employees or people outside the organization which could lead to the compromising of company systems and networks.

-Assigned passwords may or may not be complex, but since they do not come from the user’s themselves, there is always the possibility that a zero-day or man in the middle cyberattack could be unnoticed on the network and copy the password before the user has the chance to create a new one.

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