Saving Face: Facebook is changing its name

After its conflicts and the big shutdown the social media giant decides to rebrand itself

Facebook shake-up: Facebook will soon be no more and rebrand its face of the company. -YouTube

Facebook, the biggest social media giant that has been an icon in everyone’s lives, is changing its name as soon as next week.

After Facebook’s recent largest shutdown, lawsuits, and bad press in more than a decade; the company says it’s definitely time for a fresh new beginning and to rebrand and change its identity (remember Google’s Alphabet moment?).

According to sources in The Verge and on Mashable its CEO Mark Zuckerberg is set to discuss the name changes at Facebook’s Connect conference scheduled for next week on October 28 but the official announcement could come at a moment’s notice sooner than expected. The company acquired WhatsApp in 2014 and Instagram in 2012 and is facing several anti-trust lawsuits and legal challenges.

Zuckerberg said in July that Facebook will transition from being seen as a social media company to being a metaverse company and the name change could definitely impact it. He definitely sees augmented reality as being more profitable.

Watch the YouTube video here:

The company is keeping quiet about the rebranding and it’s only known to very few employees. It could have something to do with the company’s focus on metaverse and the company’s virtual reality (VR) service Horizon.

Facebook has conquered the big tech social media industry and has a strong desire to expand.

So is it definitely time for a “facelift” for what will no more be known as Facebook?

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