Sara Sidner chokes up after reporting from the hospital. Trump’s last words. Jimmy Kimmel nailed it.

The sad thing is trump has killed more black and brown people than in the past few wars. His being ignorant and not following science has cost 370,000 lives and counting. I don’t get why he so loved by racists. If he has his way all black people will die. He might as well treated all black and brown as if they did not matter. Because in Trump’s mind he is the only thing that matters. China kept their deaths to 4000 and he choose to downplay the way of dealing with Covid 19 and we all are suffering for it. The sad thing is I am 58 years old. I’ve lost best friends to Covid. I feel like Trump walked black and brown people into gas champers just like Hitler. He did not do anaything for four months after the virus was here on November 19 where he should have started with wearing a mask, then forget your arrogant self for not liking how you look in the mask. You murdered these Americans by not telling your followers to wear masks. You told them to march to the Capitol and they tore that everything up and wanted to kill VP and other representatives. It so sad your words ring in my head what do we have to lose, our lives, our friends and our parents. You have been the worst leader in American history. You had a chance to be someone great and you turned out to be a foolish. Like everything, you touch you break it. Your decision may cost all of us our lives. You have unleashed all the hatred this country has for diversity. Your followers just want this country to be all white. It has never been all-white Indians and blacks were already here when Columbus discovered America. Like with Indians you brought disease you have no decency, covid 19 is just like smallpox it kills people of color. May God help the United States of America.

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