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Ryan Anderson Addresses Claims Of Fathering Gypsy Rose’s Baby

Last month, Gypsy Rose, who was released on parole in December after eight and a half years behind bars, revealed she’s expecting her first child with her boyfriend (and former fiancé) Ken Urker.

Given the brief window between Gypsy Rose Blanchard’s split from Ryan Anderson, whom she married in prison and is currently going through a divorce with, and her new relationship with Ken, some are questioning whether Ken is really the father.

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Gypsy Rose Blanchard Announces She Is Expecting

Instagram | Gypsy Rose Blanchard

“I’m happy to announce that I am 11 weeks pregnant. Ken and I are expecting our very first child come January 2025,” she said. “You know it’s still going to be a long journey ahead, but I’m up for it. I feel a shift in myself.”

“When I found out that I was pregnant, none of anything else mattered; the drama on social media, the feud between creators and me, and all of that drama, it just all faded. It didn’t matter anymore,” she later added. “All that matters is that I’m healthy, the baby is healthy, and the relationship with Ken is healthy.”

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Over the weekend, Gypsy and Ken announced they are having a girl. “The moment y’all have been waiting for… It’s a girl!” Gypsy said in an Instagram post alongside a video from her gender reveal party. “Ken and I are over the moon and thrilled to start our family. Huge thanks to our friends, neighbors, and families who joined us today! And a big shoutout for all the love and support we’ve received!”

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Who Is The Father Of Gypsy Rose Blanchard’s Baby?

Instagram | Gypsy Rose Blanchard

Ryan Anderson went live for the first time in a few days to address some of the speculation surrounding his ex, her pregnancy, and other rumors that are circulating–including who the father could be.

“I will go in depth of my thoughts, like, you know, guys, like the way the timeline matches up; it just, in my opinion, I don’t think it’s mine,” he said of the possibility of being the father. “But I don’t know.”

This comes shortly after he told his fans that he has “to get a DNA test. I don’t have a choice.”

“I have to take a DNA test for court,” he said in the same TikTok live video. “The DNA test is going to prove it. Crazier things have happened. I just don’t know. I have my thoughts and I have my opinions.”

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Gypsy Rose Addresses Rumors That Ryan Anderson Is The Father

Instagram | Ryan Anderson

Shortly after revealing her pregnancy and amid speculation about the timing of her separation from Ryan and reconciliation with Ken, Gypsy Rose took to social media to clear things up. In a comment on a video about her love life, she detailed the timeline.

“Left Ryan March 23rd, had a period April 17th, made love with Ken and only him April 27, 28, 29, 30, and conceived on May 24th,” she said. “Positive test on May 24th. KEN IS THE FATHER.”

In a recent “Good Morning America” interview, she doubled down on her timeline, saying, “It was mid-March when I left Ryan. So, this is absolutely 100% Ken’s baby. There was never any question of paternity.”

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Gypsy Says She Is Looking Forward To Becoming A Mother


As The Blast previously reported, Gypsy grew up under the control of her mother, Dee Dee Blanchard, who is believed to have had Munchausen syndrome by proxy—a condition where a caregiver fabricates or induces illness in someone under their care to gain attention or sympathy.

“It’s not about anything other than the tiny little life that’s inside you,” she said in her pregnancy announcement last month. “That you are now in charge of protecting and that little tiny life is a baby, a little tiny human that’s yours and that you have to make sure you protect, you love, you take care of, and all of the things that I wish I could have had when I was little.”

How Does Gypsy’s Pregnancy Affect Her Divorce From Ryan?

Instagram | Gypsy Rose Blanchard

In July, a Louisiana attorney told People Magazine that Ryan could be listed as the father on Gypsy Rose Blanchard’s baby’s birth certificate if the child is born before their divorce is finalized. Louisiana law presumes the husband or ex-husband as the father if the mother is married to someone else at conception or if the divorce was finalized less than 300 days before the birth unless paternity is otherwise proven.

For Ken Urker to be listed on the birth certificate, Ryan would need to sign an affidavit acknowledging Ken as the father. If Ryan declines, Ken would have to file a court motion, leading to a DNA test for all three parties to establish paternity.

If DNA results confirm Ken is the father, his name will officially replace Ryan’s on the birth certificate.

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