Russia Targets Chernobyl in Ukraine Attacks

A strategic plan has been implemented by the Russian military. In their recent attack on Ukraine, the Kremlin has decided to target key areas within the country. One is Chernobyl, the site of a deadly nuclear disaster in 1986. Russia now has control of the former nuclear power plant and the NATO countries identify this as a significant point of concern.

Chernobyl was seized early in the Russian attacks on Ukraine. This raises concerns that Russia may try to use the facilities there to propagate more military activities. Particularly, the location is strategically placed on the route to Kyiv-the Ukrainian capital.

“The location is important because of where it sits,” said retired Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges, former commanding general of U.S. Army Europe. “If Russian forces were attacking Kyiv from the north, Chernobyl is right there on the way, almost in the way.”

Chernobyl is 10 miles away from Ukraine’s border with Belarus, and 80 miles from southern Kyiv. Analysts pinpoint Russia could have their troops enter past the Belarus border and use a direct route to Ukraine’s capital.

“They want it because they want to take control of the whole effing country,” said Evelyn Farkas, who was deputy assistant secretary of defense for Russia, Ukraine, and Eurasia in the Obama administration. “They want to surround the capital.”

Chernobyl is almost a deserted city. Many of the residents have been employed by the Ukrainian government to dismantle the remnants of the former nuclear reactor. Analysts are concerned about the environmental impact Russian attacks could have if they are launched from the former nuclear location.

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