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Romance Author Jill Rice Answers the WildBlue Press Author Q&A! • WildBlue Press True Crime Website


Author Jill Rice

Welcome to the newest WildBlue Press Author Q&A session featuring the talented and insightful romance author Jill Rice! For more on Jill and her work, visit her website at and follow her on social media at

Q: What book and or has left the most lasting impact on you as a reader?
A: Elizabeth Gilbert. Eat, Pray, Love.

Q: What inspired you to write your current book?
A: After a failed romance, I went through a “Dark Night Of The Soul,” and I wanted to impart hope that it is possible to create a beautiful and meaningful life after devastating loss.

Q: What is unique, or special, or particularly interesting about your book?
A: The protagonist is a psychologist who definitely does not have her shit together. She is a successful author of self-help books but is rarely able to follow her own advice. In other words, she is imperfect, just like all of us, and it is her imperfections that make her relatable and lovable.

She also dabbles in the supernatural world and loves all things magical, including crystals, tarot cards, and talking to angels.

Q: What message or emotion do you hope readers will take away from your book?
A: Never Give Up On Your Dreams. It is never too late to create a life you love.

Q: Do you have any unique writing rituals or habits that help you get into the writing zone?
A: Coffee. Gallons of coffee. I’m an early-morning and late-night writer. I drink coffee during both writing sessions.

I get “downloads” from my characters. Many of my characters tell me their story and their background. I’ll be writing a scene and suddenly, my fingers will type an unexpected line. “Where did that come from? I didn’t know that!”

In THE MARRY WIDOWS CLUB, one such “revelation” from a character changed the book from a light comedy to a disturbing tale of childhood abuse and trauma.

Q: How do you engage with your readers and fans? Do you attend book clubs, signings, or events?
A: I own a very popular boutique. All of my customers are excited about my new career as a novelist.

On my website (currently under construction), I offer a daily Tarot card reading for my readers and fans. In addition, I have a daily inspirational quote and a weekly blog on the website.

Q: What advice would you give to aspiring authors who are working on their first book?
A: Don’t be afraid to write badly. AND FIND A GOOD EDITOR. First-time authors are extremely verbose. A good editor can shape a writer’s manuscripts into marketable ones.

Q: Can you provide a sneak peek or hint about your next writing project?
A: The sequel to MY BEST AND LAST is about Cal’s daughter. Eve ran away from home at 17. Her story is a sweet romance that takes place in Taxco, Mexico. But when her husband Alvaro’s drug-dealing past catches up with him, Eve and Alvaro are on the run, desperate to protect themselves and their young son, Azul. Cal and Eve reunite after twenty-six years without contact. It is the story of forgiveness, redemption, and the power of love.

THE MARRY WIDOWS CLUB is a book about a group of retired senior citizens who supplement their social security income by prematurely killing terminally ill men.


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