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Roland Martin Policing black women bodies Chloe Bailey ;Chloe x Halle virtual concert and videos

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She got body shamed for this 16-second video and black women lost their minds because she did this. Let me just say first she and her sister are beautiful young women, and  I don’t get for the life of me that it is okay for Kim Kardashian and her family to love their bodies that have been enhanced to look black. Full lips big hips and the whole world has made them billionaires for looking black and having black babies. Chloe does a buss it and you lose your mind. the reason black women hate themselves you have lied to yourslef, you have always been beautiful. Your hips, lips, nose, and skin color all perfect no matter the size or shape you are beautiful just the way that you are. Black is beautiful we can not let ourselves be brainwashed into believing we are not enough. Because black women don’t look like black women.

It is a sad day in America that someone can buy your butt and your lips and call you ugly. Convince you that the hair growing out of your head is ugly. So much that you glue white hair to your head. What madness is this?  Self-hatred, black people have had a problem with this from the beginning. Is it hard to believe that these 400 years of slavery caused this damage?  But it sad because it has been with us all along. Black women are original women the ones God created first, so how now are they not as good as a white woman. You are the mother of all civilization. Without you black women there would be no them. So hold your head up high be proud of the way you look it comes from the motherland.  Even they know who came first. It is your duty to know that you are beautiful. A 16-second video brought out all this ugliness and we can not be talking about this. Don’t shame Chloe celebrate her for being unapologetically beautiful. Like Beyonce says Beauty hurts because black doesn’t need to look like white women to be beautiful. That is an illness in my opinion get off Chloe she is beautiful. Roland’s video unfiltered breaks this all down below and I will leave these videos below for you to enjoy.

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