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Although Sunny’s repeatedly turned down millionaire Bill Welch, who wants her to look for Dylan, the son who’s been missing for two weeks, she’s in no position to say no to Bill’s imperious wife, Lydia. So concerned is Lydia over Dylan, the Gonzo CEO responsible for an energy drink that’s perked up thousands of customers, that Sunny starts her search that same day. It’s no mystery why Dylan might have gone into hiding. Gonzo was being sued, and Dylan was being threatened by Rhonda Lewis over the death of her 17-year-old daughter, Daisy, who went into cardiac arrest after downing three Gonzos mixed with alcohol, and somebody had sent him more than two dozen text messages reading simply “MURDERER.” Nor have things settled down at Gonzo in Dylan’s absence. Product developer Trevor Reed is shot to death; Dylan’s old pal Sky Farley, now Gonzo COO, is lucky to survive her own shooting; and even Sunny’s receptionist, Blake James, ends up imbibing a little too much Gonzo for his own good. The case is so complicated, in fact, that solving it will require an out-of-the-blue brainwave from Sunny, and even after she starts to put the pieces together, it’s clear that some of them fit together more neatly than others.


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