RL Craft Review

Minecraft's toughest mod pack. Prepare to die...a lot!

 Minecraft is one of the most popular games in the world. It has a massive community that is constantly growing, and this community has provided the users with some of the best mods available. These mods range from entire game modes, like the uber-popular Sky Block, to smaller changes to the regular game modes like the addition of new mobs or features. Arguably the best mod pack (a collection of multiple mods) currently available for users is Shivaxi’s RL Craft.

RL Craft makes the game extremely difficult. It adds numerous features that provide players with an RPG element. The mod pack gives players a harder time throughout the game forcing users to go through a new item progression, starting with flint tools and eventually progressing up to the stone. Unfortunately, for players to use better tools, they need to level up one of the eight skills. Leveling is achieved by using EXP points that players gain from combat and mining. This skill system forces players to spend longer in the early game but rewards them with a better understanding of the overall mod pack.

The best additions to the pack are the mobs. There are now over a hundred different mobs, and most of them will kill you. These mobs have unique drops that allow players to create powerful items. Additionally, many of these mobs can be tamed and ridden, even dragons. This, however, is not easy and will first require players to level up numerous skills.

 To gain the required levels to become a master of this mod pack, a player would require a lot of EXP. Thankfully, the mod pack also includes numerous different structures that spawn mobs that players can use to farm EXP. These structures include villages and battle towers, which are towers with multiple spawn blocks on each level. The mod pack encourages players to break these spawn blocks as they provide rare items as well as a lot of EXP points.

 RL Craft is a mod pack that seems to be designed to have players rage quit over the number of times they die. At the start of the game, almost every mob can kill you in a single shot and this is due to the new health system. Now, each body part has an assigned amount of health. Players will die if their head or body health goes to zero, while damage to the leg gives the players a slowness effect, and damage to hands impacts mining speed. This makes mobs that are otherwise straightforward to kill, like skeletons, nearly impossible to deal with in the early game.

One of the biggest changes are with textures and the physics in the game. The game looks beautiful and so do the mobs. New physics was introduced to trees and drops. Now players have to physically pick-up items and trees will actually fall. On top of this, trees will also naturally replant.

All these changes give RL Craft an extremely unique take on the loveable block game. It makes certain aspects of the game much more realistic while increasing the difficulty of the game and all the while creating a thoroughly enjoyable experience. There is no mod pack that will make players love dying even more than this. A quick word of caution for RL Craft newbies: get a bed fast! If you die without a respawn point you will respawn in a random location within a 10,000-block area, which means you will lose all your items.

Playing RL Craft is not for the faint-hearted but it is a mod pack that every Minecraft fan should try out. It is easily accessible and unfortunately only available for the Java version of the game. However, this mod pack will keep you entertained for weeks, if not months.

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