Challenges You to a Digital Detox for Cash Prize

The majority of people around the world rely on technology on a daily basis. The idea of living without a smart device is unfathomable for today’s technology users, especially some Millennials and Generation Z users. If it were possible to go through a digital detox for 24 hours, would most people try to accomplish this to be awarded $2,400.

Most people would enter the contest thinking that it would be easy. However, since the U.S. and many developing countries have citizens that rely on technology on everything from setting alarms to making purchases, it would be safe to assume that it would be extraordinarily difficult for people to give up the use of technology over a 24-hour period.

Arianna Huffington, former Editor-in-Chief and founder of the Huffington Post, has a unique idea for anyone that is interested in participating in the contest. Her new business venture, Thrive, has developed a new product, a small bed that has space for smartphones. By putting a smartphone away in its own bed, it reduces the possibility of it interacting with you as you sleep.

The goal is to give users the ability to power down without the temptation of using technology as a method of trying to fall asleep. For anyone interested in the product visits the official website for Thrive Media.

This contest does not require the use of storage methods like the products created by Thrive. However, there is a fundamental question for anyone who wants to participate: is it possible for you to give up technology for a full day? If the answer is yes, then head over to and sign up to participate, it would be an accessible contest that could lead to a $2,400 prize which is great for the winner of the award. It is important to keep in mind that, during the contest period, restricts the usage of cell phones, laptops, tablets and smartwatches.

Anyone is eligible to submit an application for the contest, but it is important to keep in mind that they are only going to select one person to participate in this activity. “We know it’s hard to take even a day away from work, school, socializing, games, and the endless scrolling and streaming online, but what if we could make it worth your while?” the has noted in a statement. is warning that people should not take their participation lightly. Going 24-hours without the use of technology is harder than one might think. Just picture a day when you know you are going to get several important e-mails and you will not have the ability to read them or reply.

Also, it can be challenging to not connect with media platforms like YouTube which is an internet activity that many users may find difficult to refrain from.

The reason why is because the company has survey data that indicates that three out of four Americans would admit to having some kind of smartphone addictions in regards to their various usage of device, the same survey also indicated that most people check their cell phones every nine minutes, which supports the notion that many people are addicted to their smart devices.

An application can be submitted by March 26 at the following link: Challenge

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