Republicans Called Out For Staying Quiet About The Insurrection: Officer Fanone Body camera: Trump said it was hugs and Kisses

DC officer Fanone: Difficult hearing elected officials whitewash the Capitol riot and his Body cam

Republicans have no spine but Liz Chaney is the only one that stood up.  The party is dead, Josh Hawley from Missouri. This is really sad but this is just another way to keep us separate and at odds with each other. Republicans just want to keep Trump in power. They ousted a truth teller. And they should be ashamed of their behavior. Now the republicans want to stay alive and now they are scared of Trumps crazy supporters. Liz Chaney sounds more presidential than anybody in her party. So here we are we are stuck as country with a President Biden that wants to get back to work not going golfing during a pandemic that caused 600,000 deaths of real Americans how does this really work. The lie that trump told you about everything that caused the riots is so sad. “Hugs and kisses God people” was a lie. This is really dangerous. Trumps people was trying to kill officer Fanone.  He is a capitol police not one republican stood up for the police blue lives did not matter.  They tried  to kill D.C. officer Fanone. He thought he was gonna die. He was treated like a dog. If he was a different ethnicity he probably would have died. He had a heart attack. So they were just good people? And another officer died, three were killed and two committed suicide that  day. Trump said it was “Hugs and kisses”.. Trump is a mad man. It is sick and sad athend  party kicked out Liz Chaney, the only lone voice that stood up for right, They voted her out and hid the votees so that people wouldn’t know who they were in Congress.

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