Republican AGs group sent robocalls urging march to the Capitol. Now Trump banned from social media. About damn time. Donald first Dictator.

“At 1 p.m., we will march to the Capitol building and call on Congress to stop the steal,” said the voice on the recording, which was obtained by NBC News.

This is a mess now they want to act like they are not responsible. They fed these fools lies for four years and for every lie the followers sucked it up 360,000 Dead Americans and counting mostly black and brown who gives a damn. Not republican they don’t give a fuck. Everybody in the GOP except Mitt Romney is not responsible for this mess he voted to impeach his ass. Now chicken’s come home to rost. I am sad for the people that died in this country so Trump could make rich people like himself richer. The sad thing is they would die for him. He could start a Civil war they would love to live in a Trump’s world away from all minorities just around white people. These were all people that tore up the Capitol. Trump sent the dogs after VP Pense he was loyal to this fool. He sent them to kill him. He wanted to take over the government. 45% of Republicans think the Death of 5 people is just a setup and they were right to take over the Capitol. This is the saddest thing in the world. The republicans that thought that Trump’s base is not racist are just wrong Trump needs to hang his head in shame. Trump is a real threat to our country now the real work begins. This is a real mess he wanted to change the election. He needed his people to get everybody to overthrow the government. Trump has put all of his republicans in danger and all black and brown people. Like some of his supporters have said they are ready to die for Trump. If they keep this mess up they might get their chance 4 already died for this fool. Hang your head in shame you believed in a fake billionaire who does not have real skills. He needed to keep his brand stronger. He is not Warren Buffet, Jeff Bezos, or Elon Musk. Protected by a trust so he can fuck it up. He from a grandfather that ran whore and built wealth from prostitution. Trump is the grandson of pimps. His father and grandfather KKK. His family knows he is no good. But you love him if you are a real republican. He did not drain the swamp he is the swamp. He gave pardons to all his co-conspirators is a real crook History will make him the worst president in history.

Opinion the truth:

Trump needs to be held responsible for the deaths of 360000 people.

This is sad now, it was smack in the face .it was not funny and Africa has better leaders than Trump. We thought Hillary was going to win we were so wrong.

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