Rebecca remake on Netflix

rebecca feature

rebecca feature

A glorious remake of a 1940s classic

Rebecca the 1940s classic received 11 Oscar nominations. Netflix has released a remake.


In 1940 Joan Fontaine was nominated for an Oscar for best actress for Rebecca. The film was directed by Alfred Hitchcock, who was also nominated for an Oscar for best director. The film received 11 nominations that year. Nearly 80 years later a remake starring Lily James and Armie Hammer has been released on Netflix, coincidently on the birthday of Joan Fontaine.

Rebecca is a curious story about a young woman Caroline (Lily James) who is hired as a traveling companion of Mrs. Van Hopper (Ann Dowd). After a bout of food poisoning that confines Mrs. Van Hopper to bed, Caroline sets about to explore Monte Carlo and meets Maxim de Winter (Armie Hammer). After a whirlwind romance the young woman marries Maxim to become Mrs. de Winter and relocates to the family home Mandalay.

Mandalay is haunted by the late Mrs. Rebecca de Winter and the memory of her is kept alive by housekeeper Mrs. Danvers (Kristen Scott Thomas).

The novel was originally written by Daphne Du Maurier, an acclaimed writer who had other successful works including The Scapegoat, The Birds, Jamaica Inn and My Cousin Rachel.

How does the remake compare to the original classic?

The 1940s version was directed by Alfred Hitchcock who was known for his suspenseful techniques that creeped audiences out around the world.

This remake is directed by Ben Wheatley, known for his previous work directing the TV series Doctor Who and films Sightseers and High-Rise. This is a lavish production that is gloriously shot in stunning hotels and estates around the world, but it doesn’t have the edginess and suspense of a Hitchcock film.

Armie Hammer as the re-envisaged Maxim de Winter, has a coolness and charm that he brings to the character, almost reminiscent of Laurence Olivier who starred in the original role. Hammer’s performance is strong and consistent throughout the film and he is a joy to watch on the screen.

Lily James as Caroline de Winter is endearing and brings a sense of naivety and innocence. Originally played by Joan Fontaine, Lily James has recreated the role and left an imprint that is genuine and memorable.

Kristen Scott Thomas as Mrs. Danvers is deliciously cruel and at times uncomfortable to watch, you can see she really enjoyed playing the role. Scott Thomas is always enjoyable on the screen and watching her slowly torture and menace Mrs. de Winter is an interesting role for her to play.

If you are a fan of the original then most likely you will not enjoy this remake. But the Netflix release has been gloriously created with an amazing attention to detail with stunning sets and costumes. The suspense is muted but it is made up by the stellar performances of a strong cast.

Rebecca is currently playing on Netflix.

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