Raven Wolf C. Felton A St. Louis original a music man; Micheal Jackson Heal the world is what Raven Wolf is doing

Raven wolf has really had a spiritual journey with music with roots in jazz, the classic, and the music of the Indian native of this land. He plays all the instruments on his CD and loves it. Music is his life and he sends love to it. My wife’s sister lived in Kansas City Missouri She passed away and she wanted me to hear him play her name was Faye. I have known this man who has been a kind spirit for over 30 years. And I would call him my friend. Time goes by but the love for him and his music is priceless. He has a network of friends he calls the wolfpack and it is amazing the love they show to this man. He is truly blessed to be able to do what loves for a living. Keep on playing and spreading love.

Michael Jackson – Heal The World (Official Video)

Michael Jackson – Heal The World (Official Video)

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