Qanon Conspiracy and Donald Trump, Role of Women in Q

I don't get why Republicans think Trump is their savior. This is false Idol worship.

This is an old story of a man named Trump who did not care about Republicans or Democrats because his God is money and all his friends that have money as well. So here we are with Biden, a man who is for the people, all people even though half the them don’t think he is President. 73 million Americans are waiting for the chance to put the King back in the office. The sad thing is all Trump did was to divide us. Those liberals and minorities are seen as the problem. He was infamous for destroying this country the only thing he did was help rich people get richer. Getting richer is just like the game of Monopoly at the end of life you turn in your money and it goes to your family. So you have a choice here to work with Biden until your King Trump comes back in the office.  Trump liked the power and now that is gone. He is not in office now. Qanon supporters don’t have a President in office he is now on a movie set. Qanon was waiting on the storm on the 4th of March did not happen can we move on. Some former Q followers now feel that Trump was the cause of the Riots and former Democrats voted for Trump because of comoparing Bernie Sanders to Trump. Social media played a big role. Social media helped Qanon. Some Qanon conspiracy theories suggest that they were are all going to die when Biden got sworn in. She spent a lot of time being at home now she feels foolish. Trump could have spoken out and helped. We need to look at real news and so look at your news on NPR. Trump is a God-like figure to Q and some people are followers.  She believes in fake news lies.

The women of Qanon have fear and depression, which causes them to believe in Q. The sad thing is if Trump could have focused on Covid and got control of the Virus he would be president.  He just went golfing. He was a liar period. It was a cult and that was all. Trump rioters were Qanon and white supremacist.  Women are the center of the universe. Women need to get it together.

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