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Procter & Gamble | Widen the Screen

P&G turns to George Floyd issue with 'widen the screen' | MAA

Racial stereotypes compassion is what we need these videos can prove the story is untold.  The real deal we are all the same. But the fake media is real. They want all blacks to be thugs and all whites to be heroes. No human is one thing we all have flaws but if you see us one way you need to widen your view. This is a compilation of the Proctor and Gamble videos and it is really relevant today and on point. The conversation we should be having is what we can do to change it. AmeriKKKa is racist period. It is so shameful that we have to have these videos about race. We need it because we have had 400 years of bad press. So did you know that we love our kids? Did you know we love our family and love our sports?  So we love our lives and we just want to live and be free in the country that we built and were born in is that too much to ask? We all need love and affection, we need respect and we need someone to care for. This life has enough problems for blacks in America, black-on-black crime, death by police, no hope for our young people. Life is good if you have a loving family, a job, and a great spiritual self. In my world, we only are better if it was no racism.  This is was hard for me at 58 years old to realize that I am not in control of my own life in America has the right to murder me at will. So sad but true please widen the screen.

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