Pro-Trump Rallies Break Out in Canada

Several groups of pro-Trump rallies broke out Wednesday in a few Canadian cities. They have the same purpose as the protesters that stormed the United States Capital the same day; they used their demonstrations as an opportunity to disrupt the certification of president-elect Joe Biden’s winning the electoral college in the recent election.

In Toronto, over a dozen vehicles were set on fire and Trumps “Stop the Steal” flags were set on them, waving from their cars and trucks, and some even took their flags to join the chaos taking place with the American pro-Trump rally in at the United States Capital.

According to law enforcement at least one Canadian protester had a firearm while driving hysterically through Toronto. The protesters left pamphlets on people’s windshields with pro-Trump rhetoric. There was also a parade of motorist with flags that said “Canadians for President Trump”. They believed that the election was stolen from Donald Trump last November.

Toronto police were deployed to silence the protest and was able to do so around 4:30pm. Over two dozen demonstrators in Vancouver with Donald Trump and Canadian flags demonstrated at the Vancouver Art Gallery North Plaza. Other protesters had anti-media signs and an end to the province’s restrictions due to COVID-19. The Vancouver police were present and were prepared to take action if the protest became violent. The protesters began marching towards the U.S. consulate in the afternoon.

In Alberta, several dozen protesters gathered outside Calgary City around 2pm and began their demonstrations. These protesters were carrying both U.S. and Canadian flags and signs that read “Power of the people is stronger than the people in power” and “Freedom is never given; it is always won.” Calgary police were present during this part of the protests, and described their actions as peaceful.

Canadian law enforcement was able to prevent the protesters from gaining access to government buildings. However, in the U.S., the capital was locked down as the protesters entered into federal buildings and destroyed property.

In the U.S., Congress delayed their voting and evacuated to safe places while the demonstrations were taking place. President-Elect Biden created a video message that condemned the breach of the Capitol; he called it “insurrection” and that President Trump should say something to calm the rallies. Shortly afterward, Trump also issued a messaged that instructed the protesters to leave and that “we love you, you’re very special” and continued to talk about how the election was “stolen” from him.

The Mayor of Washington D.C. also imposed 6pm curfew for the city as a way to get the protesters to eventually leave the capital. This measure, along with many law enforcement departments, were able to successfully push back the pro-Trump protesters.

Donald Trump will be leaving office in a couple of weeks. He has not yet conceded the election. There has been no information made public regarding his ability to transfer power over to Joe Biden. Analyst are skeptical about protest groups potentially showing up on Inauguration day or the days leading up to it.  

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