President Obama Discusses Life Post-Presidency And His Lifelong Passion For National Parks

The national parks are really important to all of us we are connected in all ways of life and in medicine we are all connected in life. We need to work together we are all connected to each other. Obama today is really putting a spotlight on national parks around the world. Obama is hopeful national parks belong to everyone, Teddy Roosevelt we had one now it is 400 national parks around the world. We have younger kids that we need to take care of the planet. They want us to get it together. Nature is resilient when we are intentional about it. The whole state of Hawaii is a national park. Biden is bringing the country together we don’t need to be in the Trump era again we need to work with other countries, Trump wanted out of Nato. Trump loves Putin. He was at the white house for five years.

Biden and Obama have a good joke and relationship that is real. We are too sensitive Biden and Obama are friends period. Look below if you don’t know. Unemployment is at record lows. And inflation is not good but that is what Trump did when in mismanaged covid. He kissed Putin’s butt and told him he was a better leader than Obama he did not cause any war crimes.

He loves to watch his growing up. His kids are in college and now don’t let them see you cry. keep the refrigerator stacked. Our Jobs as parents are to teach the kids not to need us. Mrs. Obama was right about that. He loves nature and he wants us to love nature also.
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