Post Traumatic Growth by Jesse Hewitt – Likely Story



This book is an account of the journey following encounters of trauma and taking steps towards personal growth. I served in the Canadian Armed Forces for 12 years, with 5 years serving as a Close Protection Operator undertaking multiple operations in high-conflict environments – both domestically and overseas. Having completed there missions, I witnessed first-hand the damages of war and having experienced the consequences of combat.

This is a tale of a torment and tribulation but is also the story of reparation and recovery. A story of surviving trauma and overcoming the wounds war inflicted upon my mind. Within this book, you will read about these traumas. Personal crises and living in a state of mind that is unwell will be shared. The approach to conquering my personal mental health struggles was multi-faceted, and details of this journey will be disclosed in order to hopefully empower others to take the first steps in their own recovery. Things such as various treatment styles, inter-personal connections and the accidental introduction to Equine Therapy were all supports to becoming a healthier me.

It is my hope that through sharing the intricacies of what I faced and how I committed to treatment to find meaning, purpose, and strength once again, will help others rediscover their own fortitude, resilience, and resolve as they endeavor into the emotional trenches of recovery and emerge healthier, happier, and having taken their own steps towards Post Traumatic Growth.

Favorite Lines:

“I’m not the man I was before getting hurt, I’m better.”

“Fun Fact: Horses can hear a human heartbeat from 4 feet away and interpret it; they also sense energetic shifts and facial expressions as well as body language and moods.”

My Opinion:

I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for my honest opinion.

As someone who suffers with mental health issues, I am no stranger to books on the topic but they usually fall more in the self-help/advice category. This was my first time reading a book written from the perspective of someone who also suffers with mental health issues where their intent is to tell their story and inspire others to not give up; to let them know that there is always hope no matter how dark it seems to get.

While I don’t usually ready biographical books, I thought this was a really well written and, quite frankly, inspiring book. Hewitt takes us through his life from early childhood, flashbacks to traumatic events that caused/contributed to various mental health issues, and his multiple different therapy style attempts – most interestingly equine therapy – some of which I hadn’t even heard of before. I thought the insights that Hewitt had to share from his personal experiences and observations were not only interesting but also valuable. I gained some new perspectives that I have a feeling will stick with me for quite awhile.

I can appreciate how difficult it is to open yourself up when it comes to mental health related topics and I think Hewitt is incredibly brave for sharing his story with the world. While he doesn’t suffer from the same mental health issues that I do, we have a lot of similar therapy experiences and share some of the same outlooks on mental health as a whole. Hewitt is further along in his journey than I am but I found his story to be incredibly humble and inspiring. It is always nice to know you are not alone in how you feel and that no matter how hard things get, it can always get better.


Overall, if you are interested in inspiring, real life stories about overcoming mental health challenges especially as it relates to PTSD, depression, substance abuse disorders, and eating disorders, then this book could be for you. Happy reading!

Check out Post Traumatic Growth here!



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