Performance-Based Filmmaking

An Art Call

Performance-Based Filmmaking

There is an amazing performance-based filmmaking call, dedicated to practical, conceptual, and aesthetic aspects. This dynamic intersection consists of two art forms: body-based performance art and filmmaking in order to achieve the cross-contamination of two practices, to achieve “Poetics of Relations”. It is a research that two artists from the Italian-German art organization VestandPage have pursued since 2006. This workshop is aimed to discuss the conditions and methods of the performance-based filmmaking process and production. This workshop explores the difference between objective and subjective points of view. Two different perspectives while performing for the video camera. How do achieve the intensity so that viewers can sense the performer’s experience in the video? The workshop will explore a series of excerpts from performance-based films in order to illustrate and refine discussions regarding difficulties in the process of filmmaking. Attention is based on exploring the similarities and variations between the realization of imaginary worlds and the interpretation of reality seen on-screen.

Performance – based films are usually granted in – dept attention to detail, skills, and artistry, mainly discussing aesthetical aspects of it. What you see is what you get. But there is a physical aspect to it, because this is hard, physical work too. Werner Herzog, a German filmmaker once said that „Everyone who makes films has to be an athlete to certain degree because cinema does not come from abstract academic thinking, it comes from your knees and thighs“

All theoretical components include the analysis of the performance-based film, the reflection on the differences between video documentation of performance art and performance-for-camera, and the nature of the poetic image and its performativity. These included the use of space, time, objects, the preservation of the human body there involving technical medium, the physical side of film production, site-specifics, bureaucracy, and sustainability of this art in general. 

Practical assignments aim to enhance participants’ creative endeavor, action, and genuine expression, the private as the political, memory activation, and one’s inner universe to explore reality autonomously. Participants are invited to create a performance-based video for performance-based films and to include their motivations, urgencies, concepts, inspirations, visions, and challenges in the group video.

In this course, VestandPage is addressing the essential questions such as the difference between video and film work, reasons for choosing a specific topic, locations, performing for the camera in extreme conditions, personal poetics, the role of spoken word, music, and sound, non-linear narrative of the structure in the video and production and post-production of a performance-based film. This workshop is co-facilitated by VestAndPage (Verena Stenke and Andrea Pagnes), artist duo and producers of five awarded performance-based films, founders and curators of the Venice International Performance Art Week, lecturers at Master of Performance Practices at ArtEZ University of the Arts, and MA Performance of the Norwegian Theater Academy.

If you would like to participate in this course, please send at least one previous work, either a performance or a video.

Participants’ final works will be presented to the public in ECC Performance Art’s VR Gallery. It is set for

July 23-August 20, 2022; Saturdays, 4-7pm CET  (5 weeks total), deadline for application is 21st of July 2022. There is a fee and you need to write email


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