Pennsylvania postal worker says his claim of ballot tampering was a bald-faced lie. He got a $136,000 Go Fund me account cause he is a patriot. Trump’s followers are nuts.

A postal worker in Pennsylvania, whose claim of ballot tampering was touted by Republicans as evidence of voter fraud, now admits it was all a lie.

Richard Hopkins said that he was instructed by a postmaster in Erie, Pa., to backdate ballots mailed after Election Day. His claim was cited by GOP officials as the most credible evidence of voter fraud, including Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham who wrote a letter to the Justice Department calling for a federal investigation, reports the Washington Post. And it was all a lie. Trump lost to be the real deal he is the new king of the Republican Party and they need him to get those two senate seats if they lose the Turtle McConnel is done for real. He can not stand in the way of Biden Presidency like he did Obama’s.

On Monday, Hopkins, 32, recanted his claim in an affidavit after speaking with investigators from the U.S. Postal Service’s Office of Inspector General, according to the Post. In response to the revelation, Democrats serving on the House Oversight Committee tweeted the “whistleblower completely RECANTED.” But Bill bar is still going on with this bogus claim. Because he talking about second term for Trump delusional at best. 70 million voted for him and he is now mad he lost. He lost because he did not give damn about being president. He has worldwide fame now. I am just glad to know the people not that smart can be President and Billionaire there is hope for the average joe.

Despite Hopkins’s decision to recant his claim of ballot tampering, it’s not yet clear why he signed a false affidavit claiming it happened in the first place. However, a GoFundMe page set up for Hopkins raised more than $136,000. Donors and Trump supporters hailed him as a patriot.

“Your donations are going to help me in the case I am wrongfully terminated from my job or I am forced into resigning due to ostrizization [sic] by my co-workers,” the page said. “It will help me get a new start in a place I feel safe and help me with child support until I am able to get settled and get a job.”

When the allegations were first made, Rob Weisenbach, the Erie postmaster, called Hopkins’s allegations “100% false.” He also said that Hopkins had been recently disciplined multiple times. “The Erie Post Office did not backdate any ballots,” Weisenbach said!! Trump won’t leave and 700 people died of Covid because of his rally he did not care about his followers at all. Now the party needs him and he got him by the balls. I hope he starts the Trump party and takes his people with him.

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