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lang="en-US"> Patient Who Died At The Clinic Of EXID Hani’s Fiancé Was Given Drugs “Strong Enough To Bring Down An Elephant”

Patient Who Died At The Clinic Of EXID Hani’s Fiancé Was Given Drugs “Strong Enough To Bring Down An Elephant”

On August 6, KST, the Korean media outlet Hankyoreh published a damning report claiming that EXID member Hani’s fiance, Yang Jae Woong, had administered excessive amounts of drugs to the patient that tragically passed away at his clinic in May. 

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Yang Jae Woong

According to their claim, Hankyoreh obtained the medical reports of the deceased patient from the W Jin Hospital in Bucheon, owned by Yang. The report was then analyzed by another professional psychiatrist with 10 years of practicing experience. 

W Jin Hospital | @wjin0601/Naver Blog

The bereaved family has so far claimed that the patient, Ms. Park, died of abdominal pain and intestinal obstruction caused by the side effects of the drugs given to her at the clinic. However, according to the patient report analysis, the drug that was given to Park was powerful enough to knock out an elephant.

According to the medical expert consulted by Hankyoreh, Dr. A, while Park was hospitalized due to addiction to diet pills, on her very first day at Yang’s clinic, she was given five different kinds of medication, most of which were anti-psychotics or psychotropic drugs.

The medical staff seemed to have judged that a single medication would not provide sufficient sedation. Most of these medications are antipsychotic or psychotropic drugs, and especially, risperidone is a high-potency product (strong effect per milligram).

— Dr. A

When these drugs are mixed to make an injection, it creates an ‘elephant tranquilizer’ strong enough to bring down an elephant,” he added. Hence, side effects were to be expected.

The patient later started exhibiting symptoms like confusion and delirium, believed to be a result of the psychotropic drugs interfering with the digestive and muscular systems. In Dr. A’s expert opinion, anticholinergic effects (dry mouth, reduced bowel movement, indigestion, constipation, urinary difficulties, dry eyes, delirium, etc.) and muscular side effects (muscle tremors, acute muscle rigidity, restlessness, neuroleptic malignant syndrome, etc.) are the common side effects of such drugs. The added factor of any lack of initial monitoring by the clinic staff only made the situation more fatal.

Dr. A also pointed out that Park’s medical records indicated that she became too drowsy and weakened by the medication to swallow pills. So, the medical staff used injections to administer the drugs into her body. Despite her body’s complete lack of control over itself to the point where she couldn’t swallow, she was given high-potency injections. 

On the evening of May 26, Park was moved to the isolation room, where she started complaining about abdominal pain and knocking on the door. The staff, however, restrained her hands, feet, and chest to the bed for two hours until, on May 27, at 12:30 am, she passed away. The National Forensic Service estimated the cause of death to be “acute pseudo-obstruction of the bowel.”

The late inpatient’s abdomen, May 11 vs. May 27 | SBS

The bereaved family has filed a criminal complaint against six medical staff at Yang’s clinic, including him, accusing them of negligent homicide. Meanwhile, Hani and Yang’s wedding, which was slated in September this year, is reportedly being considered for a delay. Read more about it here.

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